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SciPost's Editorial Colleges

Below, you will find the composition of each of our Editorial Colleges, one of which is formed for each field in which SciPost carries out publishing activities.

The Editorial College of a certain field, composed of a collection of Fellows, takes end responsibility for editorial matters for all Journals operating in that field. For interdisciplinary submissions, the services of Fellows from distinct Colleges can be called upon during the evaluation process.

Useful further links
... where you will find info on:
Author guidelines
A simple guide on how to proceed as an author
Refereeing guidelines
A simple guide on how (if you are a referee) to act professionally, and (if you are an author) react constructively
Editorial procedure
More details about submission procedure and refereeing protocols
Editorial Colleges
Our Colleges and their Editorial Fellows
Editorial College by-laws
Official rules for all our editorial workflows
Journals Terms and Conditions
Expectations, Open Access policy, license and copyright, author obligations, referee code of conduct, corrections and retractions
SciPost Terms and Conditions
General terms and conditions pertaining to ownership, license to use, contributions, impermissible uses, etc.

Branch of Science

(click to see list of Fellows)

Formal Sciences
Natural Sciences
Medical Sciences
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences

Does your field not have a College yet? Help us to form one by sending us your suggestions for potential Fellows.