Dr Daviet: "Reply and flow equations."
in Submissions | submission on Flowing bosonization in the nonperturbative functional renormalization-group approach by Romain Daviet, Nicolas Dupuis
Anonymous: "Dear Referee, We also tha..."
in Comments | comment on Phonon dressing of a facilitated one-dimensional Rydberg lattice gas
Anonymous: "We thank the referee for the r..."
in Submissions | submission on Introduction to Monte Carlo for Matrix Models by Raghav G. Jha
Anonymous: "The authors have satisfactoril..."
in Submissions | submission on Quantifying uncertainties in crystal electric field Hamiltonian fits to neutron data by Allen Scheie
Dr Mehtar-Tani: "I have made the minor correcti..."
in Submissions | report on A novel formulation of the unintegrated gluon distribution for DIS
Anonymous: "I have no objections to the an..."
in Comments | comment on Universal tradeoff relation between speed, uncertainty, and dissipation in nonequilibrium stationary states
Dr Vahedi: "> We thank the anonymous refer..."
in Submissions | report on Asymmetric Transport in Long-Range Interacting Chiral Spin Chains
Dr Daviet: "Redlined version."
in Submissions | submission on Flowing bosonization in the nonperturbative functional renormalization-group approach by Romain Daviet, Nicolas Dupuis