Dr Erbin: "I would like to thank the auth..."
in Comments | comment on The edge of chaos: quantum field theory and deep neural networks
Mr Byrne: "Thank you for your comments an..."
in Submissions | report on Logarithmic corrections for jet production at the LHC
Dr Molina: "We thank the referee for the r..."
in Submissions | report on From integrability to chaos in quantum Liouvillians
Dr Abdulla: "We thank the referee for findi..."
in Submissions | report on Time-reversal-broken Weyl semimetal in the Hofstadter regime
Anonymous: "Satisfactory addressed"
in Comments | comment on Half-wormholes in nearly AdS$_2$ holography
Prof. Torroba: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Hyperbolic compactification of M-theory and de Sitter quantum gravity
Dr Belin: "The authors of this comment br..."
in Commentaries | commentary on Generalized Spectral Form Factors and the Statistics of Heavy Operators by Alexandre Belin, Jan de Boer, Pranjal Nayak, Julian Sonner