Anonymous: "Thank you for the helpful answ..."
in Comments | comment on Topological phase transition between the gap and the gapless superconductors
Dr Preuss: "We appreciate that we have add..."
in Submissions | report on A Study of QCD Radiation in VBF Higgs Production with Vincia and Pythia
Dr Sakthivadivel: "The author thanks the first re..."
in Submissions | report on Magnetisation and Mean Field Theory in the Ising Model
Dr Sakthivadivel: "The author thanks the second r..."
in Submissions | report on Magnetisation and Mean Field Theory in the Ising Model
Dr Abdulla: "First we would like to thank t..."
in Submissions | report on Time-reversal-broken Weyl semimetal in the Hofstadter regime
Prof. Kopp: "I would like to thank the refe..."
in Submissions | report on Sterile Neutrinos as Dark Matter Candidates
Dr Ma: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Constraints on beta functions in field theories
Dr Xu: "Thank you very much for your m..."
in Submissions | report on Thermodynamic limit and boundary energy of the spin-1 Heisenberg chain with non-diagonal boundary fields