Mr Botzung: "**The referee writes:** > In ..."
in Submissions | report on One-dimensional extended Hubbard model with soft-core potential
Mr Botzung: "**The referee writes:** > Reg..."
in Submissions | report on One-dimensional extended Hubbard model with soft-core potential
Mr Botzung: "**The referee writes:** >In t..."
in Submissions | report on One-dimensional extended Hubbard model with soft-core potential
Anonymous: "Editorial comment: the second ..."
in Submissions | submission on Relaxation and entropy generation after quenching quantum spin chains by M. Lencses, O. Pomponio, G. Takacs
Anonymous: "The interpretation as a moment..."
in Comments | comment on $\mathcal{I}$/$c$-Extremization in M/F-Duality
Mr Zhang: "We that the referee for their ..."
in Submissions | report on Asymmetric butterfly velocities in 2-local Hamiltonians