Mr Reimitz: "Changes made in the new versio..."
in Submissions | report on Hadronic Footprint of GeV-Mass Dark Matter
Dr Göhmann: "Thank you for your positive an..."
in Submissions | report on Statistical mechanics of integrable quantum spin systems
Dr Göhmann: "I would like to thank the refe..."
in Submissions | report on Statistical mechanics of integrable quantum spin systems
Mr Bauer: "We thank the referee for his/h..."
in Submissions | report on Fast and stable determinant quantum Monte Carlo
Prof. Sirker: "In the second report, the refe..."
in Submissions | report on Transport in one-dimensional integrable quantum systems
Dr Rohe: "We thank the referee for his c..."
in Submissions | report on Quasi-particle functional Renormalisation Group calculations in the two-dimensional half-filled Hubbard model at finite temperatures