Dr Benjamin: "We thank the referee for the r..."
in Submissions | report on Lessons from the Ramond sector
Dr Karlsson: "In addition to the general com..."
in Submissions | report on A paradox regarding monogamy of entanglement
Dr Karlsson: "In response to this referee re..."
in Submissions | report on A paradox regarding monogamy of entanglement
Dr Karlsson: "We thank referee 1 for the pos..."
in Submissions | report on A paradox regarding monogamy of entanglement
Mr Garilli: "We thank the reviewer for the ..."
in Submissions | report on Sustaining a temperature difference
Mr Garilli: "We thank the reviewer for the ..."
in Submissions | report on Sustaining a temperature difference
Dr Wintergerst: "We thank the referee for the v..."
in Submissions | report on Color Confinement and Bose-Einstein Condensation
Anonymous: "Indeed I made a mistake in my ..."
in Comments | comment on A paradox regarding monogamy of entanglement