SciPost Phys. Core 7, 063 (2024) ·
published 13 September 2024
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The time-evolving matrix product operator (TEMPO) method has become a very competitive numerical method for studying the real-time dynamics of quantum impurity problems. For small impurities, the most challenging calculation in TEMPO is to construct the matrix product state representation of the Feynman-Vernon influence functional. In this work we propose an efficient method for this task, which exploits the time-translationally invariant property of the influence functional. The required number of matrix product state multiplication in our method is almost independent of the total evolution time, as compared to the method originally used in TEMPO which requires a linearly scaling number of multiplications. The accuracy and efficiency of this method are demonstrated for the Toulouse model and the single impurity Anderson model.
SciPost Phys. 13, 028 (2022) ·
published 19 August 2022
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Characterization of non-Markovian open quantum dynamics is both of theoretical and practical relevance. In a seminal work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 040405 (2018)], a necessary and sufficient quantum Markov condition is proposed, with a clear operational interpretation and correspondence with the classical limit. Here we propose two non-Markovianity measures for general open quantum dynamics, which are fully reconciled with the Markovian limit and can be efficiently calculated based on the multi-time quantum measurements of the system. A heuristic algorithm for reconstructing the underlying open quantum dynamics is proposed, whose complexity is directly related to the proposed non-Markovianity measures. The non-Markovianity measures and the reconstruction algorithm are demonstrated with numerical examples, together with a careful reexamination of the non-Markovianity in quantum dephasing dynamics.