Felipe Gómez-Lozada, Roberto Franco, Jereson Silva-Valencia
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 007 (2025) ·
published 21 January 2025
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We study a one-dimensional mixture of two-color fermions and scalar bosons at the hardcore limit, focusing on the effect that the intraspecies next-neighbor interactions have on the zero-temperature ground state of the system for different fillings of each carrier. Exploring the problem's parameters, we observed that the nearest-neighbor interaction could favor or harm the well-known mixed Mott and spin-selective Mott insulators. We also found the emergence of three unusual insulating states with charge density wave (CDW) structures in which the orders of the carriers are out of phase between each other. For instance, the immiscible CDW appears only at half-filling bosonic density, whereas the mixed CDW state is characterized by equal densities of bosons and fermions. Finally, the spin-selective CDW couples the bosons and only one kind of fermions. Appropriate order parameters were proposed for each phase to obtain the critical parameters for the corresponding superfluid-insulator transition. Our results can inspire or contribute to understanding experiments in cold-atom setups with long-range interactions or recent reports involving quasiparticles in semiconductor heterostructures.
Ronald Santiago Cortes-Santamaria , J. A. Landazabal-Rodríguez, Jereson Silva-Valencia , Edwin Ramos , M. S. Figueira, Roberto Franco Peñaloza.
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 058 (2024) ·
published 23 August 2024
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Employing universal relations for the Onsager coefficients in the linear regime at the symmetric point of the single impurity Anderson model, we calculate the conditions under which the quantum scattering phase shift should satisfy to produce the asymptotic Carnot’s limit for the thermoelectric efficiency. We show that a single quantum dot connected by metallic leads at the Kondo regime cannot achieve the best thermoelectric efficiency. We study a serial double quantum dot system, with the quantum dots immersed in ballistic conduction channels. Each QD exhibits a strong but finite local electronic correlation U. We show that maintaining one dot in the electron-hole symmetric point and allowing charge fluctuations in the other QD makes it possible to drive the system to the maximum thermoelectric efficiency. We also show that the bound states in the continuum (BICs) and quasi-BICs associated with the quantum scattering interference process drive the DQD to the maximum thermoelectric efficiency. We identify two types of quasi-BICs that occur at low and high temperatures: The first is associated with single Fano resonances, and the last is with several Fano processes. We also discussed possible temperature values and conditions that could be linked with the experimental realization of the results.
Prof. Franco Peñaloza: "I wish you a nice day. I am a..."
in Submissions | report on Universality and the thermoelectric transport properties of a double quantum dot system: Seeking for conditions that improve the thermoelectric efficiency