SciPost Phys. 17, 151 (2024) ·
published 4 December 2024
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We study the dynamical generation of randomness in Brownian systems as a function of the degree of locality of the Hamiltonian. We first express the trace distance to a unitary design for these systems in terms of an effective equilibrium thermal partition function, and provide a set of conditions that guarantee a linear time to design. We relate the trace distance to design to spectral properties of the time-evolution operator. We apply these considerations to the Brownian $p$-SYK model as a function of the degree of locality $p$. We show that the time to design is linear, with a slope proportional to $1/p$. We corroborate that when $p$ is of order the system size this reproduces the behavior of a completely non-local Brownian model of random matrices. For the random matrix model, we reinterpret these results from the point of view of classical Brownian motion in the unitary manifold. Therefore, we find that the generation of randomness typically persists for exponentially long times in the system size, even for systems governed by highly non-local time-dependent Hamiltonians. We conjecture this to be a general property: there is no efficient way to generate approximate Haar random unitaries dynamically, unless a large degree of fine-tuning is present in the ensemble of time-dependent Hamiltonians. We contrast the slow generation of randomness to the growth of quantum complexity of the time-evolution operator. Using known bounds on circuit complexity for unitary designs, we obtain a lower bound determining that complexity grows at least linearly in time for Brownian systems. We argue that these bounds on circuit complexity are far from tight and that complexity grows at a much faster rate, at least for non-local systems.
Gurbir Arora, Matthew Headrick, Albion Lawrence, Martin Sasieta, Connor Wolfe
SciPost Phys. 16, 152 (2024) ·
published 12 June 2024
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A bulge surface, on a time reflection-symmetric Cauchy slice of a holographic spacetime, is a non-minimal extremal surface that occurs between two locally minimal surfaces homologous to a given boundary region. According to the python's lunch conjecture of Brown et al., the bulge's area controls the complexity of bulk reconstruction, in the sense of the amount of post-selection that needs to be overcome for the reconstruction of the entanglement wedge beyond the outermost extremal surface. We study the geometry of bulges in a variety of classical spacetimes, and discover a number of surprising features that distinguish them from more familiar extremal surfaces such as Ryu-Takayanagi surfaces: they spontaneously break spatial isometries, both continuous and discrete; they are sensitive to the choice of boundary infrared regulator; they can self-intersect; and they probe entanglement shadows, orbifold singularities, and compact spaces such as the sphere in AdS$_p× S^q$. These features imply, according to the python's lunch conjecture, novel qualitative differences between complexity and entanglement in the holographic context. We also find, surprisingly, that extended black brane interiors have a non-extensive complexity; similarly, for multi-boundary wormhole states, the complexity pleateaus after a certain number of boundaries have been included.