Krissia Zawadzki, Alberto Nocera, Adrian E. Feiguin
SciPost Phys. 15, 166 (2023) ·
published 17 October 2023
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While new light sources allow for unprecedented resolution in experiments with X-rays, a theoretical understanding of the scattering cross-section is lacking. In the particular case of strongly correlated electron systems, numerical techniques are quite limited, since conventional approaches rely on calculating a response function (Kramers-Heisenberg formula) that is obtained from a perturbative analysis of scattering processes in the frequency domain. This requires a knowledge of a full set of eigenstates in order to account for all intermediate processes away from equilibrium, limiting the applicability to small tractable systems. In this work, we present an alternative paradigm, recasting the problem in the time domain and explicitly solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation without the limitations of perturbation theory: a faithful simulation of the scattering processes taking place in actual experiments, including photons and core electrons. We show how this approach can yield the full time and momentum resolved Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (RIXS) spectrum of strongly interacting many-body systems. We demonstrate the formalism with an application to Mott insulating Hubbard chains using the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method, which does not require a priory knowledge of the eigenstates and can solve very large systems with dozens of orbitals. This approach can readily be applied to systems out of equilibrium without modification and generalized to other spectroscopies.
SciPost Phys. 13, 060 (2022) ·
published 21 September 2022
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We study a generalized quantum spin ladder with staggered long range interactions that decay as a power-law with exponent α. Using large scale quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations, we show that this model undergoes a transition from a rung-dimer phase characterized by a non-local string order parameter, to a symmetry broken N\'eel phase. We find evidence that the transition is second order. In the magnetically ordered phase, the spectrum exhibits gapless modes, while excitations in the gapped phase are well described in terms of triplons -- bound states of spinons across the legs. We obtain the momentum resolved spin dynamic structure factor numerically and find a well defined triplon band that evolves into a gapless magnon dispersion across the transition. We further discuss the possibility of deconfined criticality in this model.
SciPost Phys. 10, 110 (2021) ·
published 19 May 2021
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We study the nature of the excitations of an antiferromagnetic (AFM) Heisenberg chain with staggered long range interactions using the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method and by means of a multi-spinon approximation. The chain undergoes true symmetry breaking and develops long range order, transitioning from a gapless spin liquid to a gapless ordered AFM phase. The spin dynamical structure factor shows that the emergence of N\'eel order can be associated to the formation of bound states of spinons that become coherent magnons. The quasiparticle band leaks out from the two-spinon continuum that is pushed up to higher energies. Our physical picture is also supported by an analysis of the behavior of the excitations in real-time.
Prof. Feiguin: "We thank the Referee for a det..."
in Submissions | report on A time-dependent momentum-resolved scattering approach to core-level spectroscopies