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  • Winfried Leidemann, Victor D. Efros, Veronica Yu. Shalamova

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 037 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

    1 citation

  • Jesús Casal, Manuela Rodríguez-Gallardo, José M. Arias, Joaquín Gómez-Camacho, Lorenzo Fortunato, Andrea Vitturi

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 036 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Lorenzo Fortunato

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 035 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

    1 citation

  • Elena Filandri, Paolo Andreatta, Carlo A. Manzata, Chen Ji, W. Leidemann, G. Orlandini

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 034 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

    1 citation

  • Roberta Spartà, Giuseppe G. Rapisarda, Claudio Spitaleri, M. La Cognata, Rosario G. Pizzone, S. Romano, Aurora Tumino

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 033 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

  • Volodymyr Soloviov1, Jacek Golak, Roman Skibiński, Kacper Topolnicki, and Henryk Witała

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 032 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

  • Alessandro Grassi, Jacek Golak, Roman Skibiński, Kacper Topolnicki, Henryk Witała, Hiroyuki Kamada, Laura Elisa Marcucci

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 031 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

  • Robin Smith, Jack Bishop, Joel Hirst, Tzany Kokalova, Carl Wheldon

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 030 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

  • Kimiko Sekiguchi

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 029 (2020) · published 26 February 2020 | · pdf

  • Simone Salvatore Li Muli, Anna Poggialini, Sonia Bacca

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 028 (2020) · published 25 February 2020 | · pdf

    3 citations