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  • Avanish Basdew-Sharma

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 153 (2022) · published 14 July 2022 | · pdf

  • Qi-Feng Wu

    SciPost Phys. Core 6, 063 (2023) · published 15 September 2023 | · pdf

  • Kari J. Eskola, Petja Paakkinen, Hannu Paukkunen, Carlos A. Salgado

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 033 (2022) · published 11 July 2022 | · pdf

  • Jakub Cimerman, Iurii Karpenko, Boris Tomasik, Barbara Antonina Trzeciak

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 031 (2022) · published 11 August 2022 | · pdf

  • Jason Kaye, Sophie Beck, Alex Barnett, Lorenzo Van Muñoz, Olivier Parcollet

    SciPost Phys. 15, 062 (2023) · published 15 August 2023 | · pdf

  • Charles Timmermans for the GRAND collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 042 (2019) · published 21 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Chris A. Flett, Alan D. Martin, Misha G. Ryskin, Thomas Teubner

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 15, 005 (2024) · published 2 April 2024 | · pdf

  • Francisco M. O. Brito, Aires Ferreira

    SciPost Phys. Core 7, 006 (2024) · published 21 February 2024 | · pdf

  • Johannes Herms, Sudip Jana, Vishnu P. K., Shaikh Saad

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 046 (2023) · published 4 July 2023 | · pdf

  • Ying-Hai Wu

    SciPost Phys. 13, 094 (2022) · published 12 October 2022 | · pdf