Josephson junction
Nonlinearity of transparent SNS weak links decreases sharply with length
by Valla Fatemi, Pavel D. Kurilovich, Anton R. Akhmerov, Bernard van Heck,
SciPost Phys. 18, 091 (2025) -
Double-Fourier engineering of Josephson energy-phase relationships applied to diodes
by A. Mert Bozkurt, Jasper Brookman, Valla Fatemi, Anton R. Akhmerov,
SciPost Phys. 15, 204 (2023) -
Time-resolved electrical detection of chiral edge vortex braiding
by İnanç Adagideli, Fabian Hassler, Aurélien Grabsch, Michał Pacholski, Carlo W. J. Beenakker,
SciPost Phys. 8, 013 (2020) -
Spectral response of Josephson junctions with low-energy quasiparticles
by Anna Keselman, Chaitanya Murthy, Bernard van Heck, Bela Bauer,
SciPost Phys. 7, 050 (2019) -
Supercurrent-induced Majorana bound states in a planar geometry
by André Melo, Sebastian Rubbert, Anton R. Akhmerov,
SciPost Phys. 7, 039 (2019)
Submissions (unpublished only)
Tachyonic and parametric instabilities in an extended bosonic Josephson junction
by Laura Batini, Sebastian Erne, Jörg Schmiedmayer, Jürgen Berges
(submitted 2024-11-27 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Adagideli, Prof. Inanc
- Akhmerov, Prof. Anton R.
- Bauer, Dr Bela
- Beenakker, Prof. Carlo
- Bozkurt, Dr A. Mert
- Brookman, Dr Jasper
- Fatemi, Prof. Valla
- Grabsch, Dr Aurélien
- Hassler, Prof. Fabian
- Keselman, Dr Anna
- Kurilovich, Mr Pavel
- Melo, Mr André
- Murthy, Mr Chaitanya
- Pacholski, Mr Michał
- Rubbert, Mr Sebastian
- van Heck, Dr Bernard