Quantum gravity
On the origin of species thermodynamics and the black hole - tower correspondence
by Alvaro Herráez, Dieter Lüst, Joaquin Masias, Marco Scalisi,
SciPost Phys. 18, 083 (2025) -
The Fröhlich-Morchio-Strocchi mechanism and quantum gravity
by Axel Maas,
SciPost Phys. 8, 051 (2020) -
Quantum gravity, renormalizability and diffeomorphism invariance
by Tim R. Morris,
SciPost Phys. 5, 040 (2018) -
Effective universality in quantum gravity
by Astrid Eichhorn, Peter Labus, Jan M. Pawlowski, Manuel Reichert,
SciPost Phys. 5, 031 (2018) -
On the coupling of Galilean-invariant field theories to curved spacetime
by Kristan Jensen,
SciPost Phys. 5, 011 (2018) -
Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe
by Erik P. Verlinde,
SciPost Phys. 2, 016 (2017)
Submissions (unpublished only)
The complex Liouville string: the gravitational path integral
by Scott Collier, Lorenz Eberhardt, Beatrix Mühlmann
(submitted 2025-02-11 to SciPost Physics) -
A microscopic realization of dS$_3$
by Scott Collier, Lorenz Eberhardt, Beatrix Mühlmann
(submitted 2025-02-11 to SciPost Physics) -
The complex Liouville string: the matrix integral
by Scott Collier, Lorenz Eberhardt, Beatrix Mühlmann, Victor A. Rodriguez
(submitted 2025-02-11 to SciPost Physics) -
The complex Liouville string: the worldsheet
by Scott Collier, Lorenz Eberhardt, Beatrix Mühlmann, Victor A. Rodriguez
(submitted 2025-02-11 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Eichhorn, Dr Astrid
- Herraez, Dr Alvaro
- Jensen, Prof. Kristan
- Labus, Dr Peter
- Lüst, Prof. Dieter
- Maas, Prof. Axel
- Masias, Mr Joaquin
- Morris, Prof. Tim
- Pawlowski, Prof. Jan M.
- Reichert, Dr Manuel
- Scalisi, Dr Marco
- Verlinde, Prof. Erik P.