perturbation theory
Statistical patterns of theory uncertainties
by Aishik Ghosh, Benjamin Nachman, Tilman Plehn, Lily Shire, Tim M. P. Tait, Daniel Whiteson,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 045 (2023) -
Loop amplitudes from precision networks
by Simon Badger, Anja Butter, Michel Luchmann, Sebastian Pitz, Tilman Plehn,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 034 (2023) -
Two-loop splitting in double parton distributions
by Markus Diehl, Jonathan R. Gaunt, Peter Ploessl, Andreas Schafer,
SciPost Phys. 7, 017 (2019)
Submissions (unpublished only)
Systematically Constructing the Likelihood for Boosted $H\to gg$ Decays
by Andrew J. Larkoski
(submitted 2025-03-03 to SciPost Physics) -
Renormalisation group effects in SMEFT for di-Higgs production
by Gudrun Heinrich, Jannis Lang
(submitted 2025-02-19 to SciPost Physics Core) -
Scattering from an external field in quantum chromodynamics at high energies: from foundations to interdisciplinary connections
by Athanasia-Konstantina Angelopoulou, Anh Dung Le, Stéphane Munier
(submitted 2025-01-22 to SciPost Physics Lecture Notes) -
Two-loop gradient-flow renormalization of scalar QCD
by Janosh Borgulat, Nils Felten, Robert V. Harlander, Jonas T. Kohnen
(submitted 2025-01-15 to SciPost Physics Core) -
Systematic Interpretability and the Likelihood for Boosted Top Quark Identification
by Andrew J. Larkoski
(submitted 2025-01-13 to SciPost Physics) -
Radiative corrections and Monte Carlo tools for low-energy hadronic cross sections in $e^+ e^-$ collisions
by Riccardo Aliberti, Paolo Beltrame, Ettore Budassi, Carlo M. Carloni Calame, Gilberto Colangelo, Lorenzo Cotrozzi, Achim Denig, Anna Driutti, Tim Engel, Lois Flower, Andrea Gurgone, Martin Hoferichter, Fedor Ignatov, Sophie Kollatzsch, Bastian Kubis, Andrzej Kupść, Fabian Lange, Alberto Lusiani, Stefan E. Müller, Jérémy Paltrinieri, Pau Petit Rosàs, Fulvio Piccinini, Alan Price, Lorenzo Punzi, Marco Rocco, Olga Shekhovtsova, Andrzej Siódmok, Adrian Signer, Giovanni Stagnitto, Peter Stoffer, Thomas Teubner, William J. Torres Bobadilla, Francesco P. Ucci, Yannick Ulrich, Graziano Venanzoni
(submitted 2024-12-05 to SciPost Physics Reviews)
Top experts
- Badger, Dr Simon
- Butter, Dr Anja
- Diehl, Dr Markus
- Gaunt, Dr Jonathan
- Ghosh, Dr Aishik
- Luchmann, Mr Michel
- Nachman, Dr Benjamin
- Pitz, Dr Sebastian
- Plehn, Prof. Tilman
- Plößl, Mr Peter
- Schafer, Prof. Andreas
- Shire, Dr Lily
- Tait, Prof. Tim M. P.
- Whiteson, Prof. Daniel