भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान कानपुर / Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur [IITK]
Name | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Name (original vn) | भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान कानपुर |
Acronym | IITK |
Country | India |
Address | |
Type | University (and its Library) |
Status | Active |
ROR id (link) | https://ror.org/05pjsgx75 |
Crossref Org ID (link) | No Crossref Org ID found |
ROR information
ROR ID (link) | https://ror.org/05pjsgx75 |
Primary Name | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur |
Alternative Names |
IIT Kanpur
আইআইটি কানপুর Institut indien de technologie de kanpur भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान कानपुर ഇന്ത്യൻ ഇൻസ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട് ഓഫ് ടെക്നോളജി കാൺപൂർ भारतीय तंत्रज्ञान संस्था, कानपूर இந்திய தொழில்நுட்பக் கழகம் கான்பூர் IITK |
Country | India |
Website(s) |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Institute_of_Technology_Kanpur |
Funder Registry instances associated to this Organization:
- Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Associated Publications :
16 total publications
1 publication
AdvNF: Reducing mode collapse in conditional normalising flows using adversarial learning
by Vikas Kanaujia, Mathias S. Scheurer, Vipul Arora,
SciPost Phys. 16, 132 (2024)
7 publications
Ownerless island and partial entanglement entropy in island phases
by Debarshi Basu, Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu, Qiang Wen,
SciPost Phys. 15, 227 (2023) -
Horizon strings as 3D black hole microstates
by Arjun Bagchi, Daniel Grumiller, Mohammad Mehdi Sheikh-Jabbari,
SciPost Phys. 15, 210 (2023) -
Brane detectors of a dynamical phase transition in a driven CFT
by Suchetan Das, Bobby Ezhuthachan, Arnab Kundu, Somnath Porey, Baishali Roy, Krishnendu Sengupta,
SciPost Phys. 15, 202 (2023) -
Update on the angular resolution of GRAPES-3 experiment based on Moon shadow analysis
by D. Pattanaik, S. Ahmad, M. Chakraborty, S. R. Dugad, U. D. Goswami, S. K. Gupta, B. Hariharan, Y. Hayashi, P. Jagadeesan, A. Jain, P. Jain, S. Kawakami, H. Kojima, S. Mahapatra, P. K. Mohanty, R. Moharana, Y. Muraki, P. K. Nayak, T. Nonaka, A. Oshima, B. P. Pant, M. Rameez, K. Ramesh, L. V. Reddy, S. Shibata, F. Varsi, M. Zuberi,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 033 (2023) -
Updated results on the cosmic ray energy spectrum and composition from the GRAPES-3 experiment
by F. Varsi, S. Ahmad, M. Chakraborty, A. Chandra, S. R. Dugad, U. D. Goswami, S. K. Gupta, B. Hariharan, Y. Hayashi, P. Jagadeesan, A. Jain , P. Jain, S. Kawakami, H. Kojima, S. Mahapatra, P. K. Mohanty, R. Moharana, Y. Muraki, P. K. Nayak, T. Nonaka, A. Oshima, B. P. Pant, D. Pattanaik, G. Pradhan, M. Rameez, K. Ramesh, L. V. Reddy, R. Sahoo, R. Scaria, S. Shibata, K. Tanaka, M. Zuberi,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 031 (2023) -
Highlights of the results from the GRAPES-3 experiment
by Hariharan Balakrishnan, S. Ahmad, M. Chakraborty, S.R. Dugad, U.D. Goswami, S.K. Gupta, Y. Hayashi, P. Jagadeesan, A. Jain, P. Jain, S. Kawakami, H. Kojima, S. Mahapatra, P.K. Mohanty, R. Moharana, Y. Muraki, P.K. Nayak, T. Nonaka, A. Oshima, D. Pattanaik, B.P. Pant, M. Rameez, K. Ramesh, L.V. Reddy, S. Shibata, F. Varsi, M. Zuberi,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 021 (2023) -
Scrambling under quench
by Adith Sai Aramthottil, Diptarka Das, Suchetan Das, Bidyut Dey,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 021 (2023)
7 publications
Generative learning for the problem of critical slowing down in lattice Gross-Neveu model
by Ankur Singha, Dipankar Chakrabarti, Vipul Arora,
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 052 (2022) -
Fingerprints of freeze-in dark matter in an early matter-dominated era
by Avik Banerjee, Debtosh Chowdhury,
SciPost Phys. 13, 022 (2022) -
Proton gravitational form factors in a light-front quark-diquark model
by Dipankar Chakrabarti, Chandan Mondal, Asmita Mukherjee, Sreeraj Nair, Xingbo Zhao,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 113 (2022) -
Entanglement wedge in flat holography and entanglement negativity
by Debarshi Basu, Ashish Chandra, Vinayak Raj, Gautam Sengupta,
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 013 (2022) -
Entanglement Negativity in Flat Holography
by Debarshi Basu, Ashish Chandra, Himanshu Parihar, Gautam Sengupta,
SciPost Phys. 12, 074 (2022) -
Page curve for entanglement negativity through geometric evaporation
by Jaydeep Kumar Basak, Debarshi Basu, Vinay Malvimat, Himanshu Parihar, Gautam Sengupta,
SciPost Phys. 12, 004 (2022) -
Islands for entanglement negativity
by Jaydeep Kumar Basak, Debarshi Basu, Vinay Malvimat, Himanshu Parihar, Gautam Sengupta,
SciPost Phys. 12, 003 (2022)
1 publication
Conditional generative models for sampling and phase transition indication in spin systems
by Japneet Singh, Mathias S. Scheurer, Vipul Arora,
SciPost Phys. 11, 043 (2021)
Associated Authors
18 authors
- Arora, Prof. Vipul
- Bagchi, Dr Arjun
- Basak, Dr Jaydeep Kumar
- Basu, Mr Debarshi
- Chakrabarti, Dr Dipankar
- Chandra, Mr Ashish
- Chowdhury, Dr Debtosh
- Das, Dr Diptarka
- Das, Dr Suchetan
- Dey, Mr Bidyut
- Jain, Dr P.
- Kanaujia, Mr Vikas
- Parihar, Dr Himanshu
- Raj, Mr Vinayak
- Sengupta, Prof. Gautam
- Singh, Dr Japneet
- Singha, Mr Ankur
- Varsi, Mr Fahim
Affiliated Fellows
Currently active
0 fellows
- No fellowship found
0 fellows
- No fellowship found
Support history
Direct support
This Organization has not yet supported SciPost directly.
Balance of SciPost expenditures versus support received
The following Expenditures (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) table compiles the expenditures by SciPost to publish all papers which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur , and weighed by this Organization's PubFracs.
Help! What do these terms mean?
Concept | Acronym | Definition |
Associated Publications | An Organization's Associated Publications is the set of papers in which the Organization (or any of its children) is mentioned in author affiliations, or in the acknowledgements as grant-giver or funder. | |
Number of Associated Publications | NAP | Number of Associated Publications, compiled (depending on context) for a given year or over many years, for a specific Journal or for many, etc. |
Publication Fraction | PubFrac | A fraction of a unit representing an Organization's "weight" for a given Publication. The weight is given by the following simple algorithm:
Expenditures | We use the term Expenditures to represent the sum of all outflows of money required by our initiative to achieve a certain output (depending on context). | |
Average Publication Expenditures | APEX | For a given Journal for a given year, the average expenditures per Publication which our initiative has faced. All our APEX are listed on our APEX page. |
Total Associated Expenditures | Total expenditures ascribed to an Organization's Associated Publications (given for one or many years, Journals etc depending on context). | |
PubFrac share | The fraction of expenditures which can be associated to an Organization, based on PubFracs. This is defined as APEX times PubFrac, summed over the set of Publications defined by the context (e.g. all Associated Publications of a given Organization for a given Journal in a given year). | |
Subsidy support | Sum of the values of all Subsidies relevant to a given context (for example: from a given Organization in a given year). | |
Impact on reserves | Difference between incoming and outgoing financial resources for the activities under consideration (again defined depending on context).
Year (click to toggle details) | NAP | Total associated expenditures | PubFrac share |
Subsidy support |
Impact on reserves |
Cumulative | 16 | €7049 | €3979 | €0 | €-3979 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Per year: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2025 (ongoing) | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2025. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2024 | 1 | €800 | €533 | €0 | €-533 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2024. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2023 | 7 | €2721 | €710 | €0 | €-710 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2023. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2022 | 7 | €2886 | €2308 | €0 | €-2308 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2022. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2021 | 1 | €642 | €428 | €0 | €-428 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2021. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2020 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2020. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2019 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2019. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2018 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2018. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2017 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur for 2017. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.