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Theory of universal diode effect in three-terminal Josephson junctions

by Jorge Huamani Correa, Michał P. Nowak

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Jorge Huamani Correa
Submission information
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Date submitted: 2024-01-30 11:18
Submitted by: Huamani Correa, Jorge
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
Approaches: Theoretical, Computational


We theoretically study the superconducting diode effect in a three-terminal Josephson junction. The diode effect in superconducting systems is typically related to the presence of a difference in the critical currents for currents flowing in the opposite direction. We show that in multi-terminal systems this effect occurs naturally without the need of the presence of any spin interactions and is a result of the presence of a relative shift between the Andreev bound states carrying the supercurrent. On an example of a three-terminal junction, we demonstrate that the non-reciprocal current in one of the superconducting contacts can be induced by proper phase biasing of the other contacts, provided that there are at least two Andreev bound states in the system and the symmetry of the system is broken. This result is confirmed in numerical models describing the junctions in both the short- and long-regime. By optimizing the geometry of the junction, we show that the efficiency of the realized superconducting diode exceeds $35 \%$. We relate our predictions to recent experiments on multi-terminal junctions, in which non-reciprocal supercurrents were observed.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 2 on 2024-4-8 (Invited Report)


1 - The paper is nicely written and technically correct.
2 - Authors provide both analytical and numerical solutions that supports the claims in the paper and the paper contains a link to the code repository necessary for reproducing the results in the paper.


1 - The idea of using a trijunction for a superconducting diode effect has been explored before.
2 - The paper does not provide a discussion on which regime (short- or long-junction regime) is better for implementing a superconducting diode.
3 - The paper lacks comparison with the previous three-terminal Josephson diodes reported in the literature.


The manuscript explores the superconducting diode effect (SDE) in multi-terminal Josepshon junction, focusing on a three-terminal setup. Traditionally, the SDE is associated with differences in critical currents for currents flowing in opposite directions in a two-terminal setup. However, the study reveals that in multi-terminal systems, this effect arises naturally without the need for spin interactions, arising instead from a relative shift between Andreev bound states (ABSs) carrying the supercurrent due to phase-biasing the third lead. The analytical findings for the short junction case is supported by numerical simulations and long junction case is investigated through numerical analysis. The results and findings of the paper is technically correct and the paper is nicely written.

On the other hand, the idea of using multi-terminal Josephson junctions to break inversion symmetry and to break time-reversal symmetry by phase-biasing had been explored before. As authors cite in their paper, Ref. [30-31] reports the superconducting diode effect.

The main novelty presented in the current manuscript is the use of a single scattering region. In my opinion, the difference is only incremental and the paper does not present a breakthrough or open a new pathway in the research area of the superconducting diode effect. Therefore, I believe the paper is more suitable for SciPost Phys. Core, and I recommend publishing there if the authors address the questions and comments.

Requested changes

1 - Can authors comment on the impact of the orbital effect due to the applied magnetic field and effects of disorder in the long junction limit?
2 - How much does quasi-continuum states contribute to the diode effect in comparison to the subgap states?
3 - A comparison between short and long junction regime for the superconducting diode effect would enhance the impact of the paper.

  • validity: high
  • significance: good
  • originality: good
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

Author:  Jorge Huamani Correa  on 2024-05-27  [id 4518]

(in reply to Report 2 on 2024-04-08)

Thanks to the Referee for careful assessment of our manuscript. We attach a file with the answers and comments about his/her questions.



Anonymous Report 1 on 2024-3-31 (Invited Report)


The authors present a theoretical analysis of a three-terminal Josephson junction and evaluate critical current as a function of phase difference. They show with a simple theoretical analysis that a three-terminal Josephson junction with two ABS can realize JDE due to the relative phase shift between the ABS. I find the analysis and presented simulations for long and short junction limits to be of sound quality and agree with the conclusions. I think the paper can be published in this journal.

I have some minor comments and questions:
1. On page 6 in the description of Figure 4, I am assuming critical current as a function of $\phi_3$ is evaluated by maximizing in $\phi_2$ for a given $\phi_3$, I think it will be helpful to state this clearly.
2. To realize the proposed experimental setup, one would need to apply a magnetic field to phase bias a pair of terminals which breaks the time reversal symmetry. Can authors provide some comments on how their analysis would differ if the time reversal symmetry is broken?
3. In the absence of a phase loop, can authors provide some insight if the diode effect can still be realized in a three-terminal Josephson junction?
4. would like to point out a recent paper on three-terminal Josephson junction where JDE is observed along with $\pi$-supercurrent ( Can authors comment if their model can account for this observation?

  • validity: good
  • significance: ok
  • originality: ok
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: good
  • grammar: good

Author:  Jorge Huamani Correa  on 2024-05-27  [id 4517]

(in reply to Report 1 on 2024-03-31)

Thanks to the Referee for the positive comments. We attach a file with the answers and comments about his/her questions.



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Anonymous on 2024-03-06  [id 4347]

I wish to point out that in some sense the problem under consideration is equivalent to the problem of Josephson junction between single- and three-band superconductors with s-wave order parameter symmetry

In these papers it was shown that the critical currents also have the property of nonreciprocity due to the broken-time reversal symmetry and as a result the emergence of the additional harmonics in the CPR.