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Rydberg arrays offer a universal resource for measurement-based quantum computations

by Valentin Crépel

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Valentin Crepel
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202205_00024v1  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2022-05-25 19:44
Submitted by: Crepel, Valentin
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory
  • Quantum Physics
Approach: Theoretical


We show that one of the quantum entangled state recently realized in a Rydberg quantum simulator [Semeghini et al., Science 374, 6572 (2021)] offers a sufficient resource for universal measurement-based quantum computation. In particular, we provide explicit measurement sequences that implement a universal set of gates on the encoded logical qubits. Upon successful experimental realization, the proposed sequences would promote the Rydberg simulators to the first universal quantum computers relying on the measurement-based model of quantum computation.

Current status:
Awaiting resubmission

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 1 on 2022-6-24 (Invited Report)


This paper proposed a measurement scheme for the Kagome lattice dimer state so that it can be used as a universal resource state for measurement-based quantum computation. It has recently been shown that the Kagome lattice dimer state can be approximately realized through a dynamical process in a Rydberg array. This work is hence timely and can be of interest to the community. On the other hand, the analysis presented in this paper is standard and does not involve much new idea / technique. The process of looking for a universal measurement scheme through the tensor network representation of a state is well known and has been carried out for many states. Moreover, the paper does not address the more serious issue of error / deviation in the resource state on the measurement scheme. Such analysis has been carried out for some resource state and the idea of a universal resource phase has been proposed. Given that, the result in this paper, from the theory perspective, is on the simple side. It in turn limits the impact this paper can have on real Rydberg experiments. I feel that the current version of the paper falls short of the originality criteria for publication in SciPost. To be considered for publication, the author needs to take the discussion to the next level.

  • validity: top
  • significance: good
  • originality: ok
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

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