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Enhancement of chiral edge currents in ($d$+1)-dimensional atomic Mott-band hybrid insulators

by Matteo Ferraretto, Andrea Richaud, Lorenzo Del Re, Leonardo Fallani, Massimo Capone

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Leonardo Fallani · Andrea Richaud
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202207_00044v2  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2023-02-14
Date submitted: 2022-12-13 00:06
Submitted by: Richaud, Andrea
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
Approach: Theoretical


We consider the effect of a local interatomic repulsion on synthetic heterostructures where a discrete synthetic dimension is created by Raman processes on top of $SU(N)$-symmetric two-dimensional lattice systems. At a filling of one fermion per site, increasing the interaction strength, the system is driven towards a Mott state which is adiabatically connected to a band insulator. The chiral currents associated with the synthetic magnetic field increase all the way to the Mott transition, where they reach the maximum value, and they remain finite in the whole insulating state. The transition towards the Mott-band insulator is associated with the opening of a gap within the low-energy quasiparticle peak, while a mean-field picture is recovered deep in the insulating state.

Author comments upon resubmission

Dear Editor,

thanks for sending us the reports of two Referees. We are grateful to the Referees for their careful, positive and constructive reports that helped us improving our manuscript.
We have indeed revised the manuscript complying with the requests of both Referees. Our detailed point-by-point response to the Referees has been uploaded.

In view of the already positive report of both Referees, and in view of the improvements that we have introduced in order to fully comply with the requests of both Referees, we are confident that this new version of our paper can be accepted for publication on SciPost Physics.

Best regards,

The authors

List of changes

A detailed list of changes has been attached as a pdf file (please see Comment to the Resubmission).

Published as SciPost Phys. 14, 048 (2023)

Reports on this Submission

Report #2 by Andreas Haller (Referee 1) on 2023-1-12 (Invited Report)


The authors have submitted a thorough reply together with an improved version of the manuscript, addressing all points raised in the last round. I appreciate the new structure of the paper and that many suggestions have found their way into the final manuscript.

With these changes, I have no further comments or remarks to add.

Requested changes


  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 2) on 2022-12-29 (Invited Report)


The authors replied to my comments and to the comments of the second referee in a very precise and pertinent way, I have rarely seen such an in-depth reply! For this reason, the paper is definitely ready to be accepted for publication. I also have to say that I appreciate the new structure of the paper since I agree with the main comments of the second referee.

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Login to report


Andrea Richaud  on 2022-12-13  [id 3130]

answer to question
reply to objection
validation or rederivation
pointer to related literature
suggestion for further work

The attached pdf file includes a detailed reply to the Referees' questions, as well as the list of changes.

