QuSpin: a Python package for dynamics and exact diagonalisation of quantum many body systems part I: spin chains
Phillip Weinberg, Marin Bukov
SciPost Phys. 2, 003 (2017) · published 13 February 2017
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.2.1.003
- Submissions/Reports
We present a new open-source Python package for exact diagonalization and quantum dynamics of spin(-photon) chains, called QuSpin, supporting the use of various symmetries in 1-dimension and (imaginary) time evolution for chains up to 32 sites in length. The package is well-suited to study, among others, quantum quenches at finite and infinite times, the Eigenstate Thermalisation hypothesis, many-body localisation and other dynamical phase transitions, periodically-driven (Floquet) systems, adiabatic and counter-diabatic ramps, and spin-photon interactions. Moreover, QuSpin's user-friendly interface can easily be used in combination with other Python packages which makes it amenable to a high-level customisation. We explain how to use QuSpin using four detailed examples: (i) Standard exact diagonalisation of XXZ chain (ii) adiabatic ramping of parameters in the many-body localised XXZ model, (iii) heating in the periodically-driven transverse-field Ising model in a parallel field, and (iv) quantised light-atom interactions: recovering the periodically-driven atom in the semi-classical limit of a static Hamiltonian.
PB - SciPost Foundation
DO - 10.21468/SciPostPhys.2.1.003
TI - QuSpin: a Python package for dynamics and exact diagonalisation of quantum many body systems part I: spin chains
PY - 2017/02/13
UR - https://scipost.org/SciPostPhys.2.1.003
JF - SciPost Physics
JA - SciPost Phys.
VL - 2
IS - 1
SP - 003
A1 - Weinberg, Phillip
AU - Bukov, Marin
AB - We present a new open-source Python package for exact diagonalization and quantum dynamics of spin(-photon) chains, called QuSpin, supporting the use of various symmetries in 1-dimension and (imaginary) time evolution for chains up to 32 sites in length. The package is well-suited to study, among others, quantum quenches at finite and infinite times, the Eigenstate Thermalisation hypothesis, many-body localisation and other dynamical phase transitions, periodically-driven (Floquet) systems, adiabatic and counter-diabatic ramps, and spin-photon interactions. Moreover, QuSpin's user-friendly interface can easily be used in combination with other Python packages which makes it amenable to a high-level customisation. We explain how to use QuSpin using four detailed examples: (i) Standard exact diagonalisation of XXZ chain (ii) adiabatic ramping of parameters in the many-body localised XXZ model, (iii) heating in the periodically-driven transverse-field Ising model in a parallel field, and (iv) quantised light-atom interactions: recovering the periodically-driven atom in the semi-classical limit of a static Hamiltonian.
ER -
title={{QuSpin: a Python package for dynamics and exact diagonalisation of quantum many body systems part I: spin chains}},
author={Phillip Weinberg and Marin Bukov},
journal={SciPost Phys.},
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