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Reconstructing the gluon

Anton K. Cyrol, Jan M. Pawlowski, Alexander Rothkopf, Nicolas Wink

SciPost Phys. 5, 065 (2018) · published 20 December 2018


We reconstruct the gluon spectral function in Landau gauge QCD from numerical data for the gluon propagator. The reconstruction relies on two novel ingredients: Firstly we derive analytically the low frequency asymptotics of the spectral function. Secondly we construct a functional basis from a careful consideration of the analytic properties of the gluon propagator in Landau gauge. This allows us to reliably capture the non-perturbative regime of the gluon spectrum. We also compare different reconstruction methods and discuss the respective systematic errors.

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Gluons Quantum chromodynamics (QCD)

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