Trans-series from condensates
Marcos Mariño, Ramon Miravitllas
SciPost Phys. 18, 101 (2025) · published 19 March 2025
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.18.3.101
- Submissions/Reports
The Shifman–Vainshtein–Zakharov (SVZ) sum rules provide a method to obtain trans-series expansions in many quantum field theories, in which exponentially small corrections are calculated by combining the operator product expansion with the assumption of vacuum condensates. In some solvable models, exact expressions for trans-series can be obtained from non-perturbative results, and this makes it possible to test the SVZ method by comparing its predictions to these exact trans-series. In this paper we perform such a precision test in the example of the fermion self-energy in the Gross–Neveu model. Its exact trans-series expansion can be extracted from the large $N$ solution, at the first non-trivial order in $1/N$. It is given by an infinite series of exponentially small corrections involving factorially divergent power series in the 't Hooft parameter. We show that the first two corrections are associated to two-quark and four-quark condensates, and we reproduce the corresponding power series exactly, and at all loops, by using the SVZ method. In addition, the numerical values of the condensates can be extracted from the exact result, up to order $1/N$.
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Université de Genève / University of Geneva [UNIGE]
- 2 Wigner Fizikai Kutatóközpont / MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics