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Linearized regime of the generalized hydrodynamics with diffusion

Miłosz Panfil, Jacek Pawełczyk

SciPost Phys. Core 1, 002 (2019) · published 22 November 2019


We consider the generalized hydrodynamics including the recently introduced diffusion term for an initially inhomogeneous state in the Lieb-Liniger model. We construct a general solution to the linearized hydrodynamics equation in terms of the eigenstates of the evolution operator and study two prototypical classes of initial states: delocalized and localized spatially. We exhibit some general features of the resulting dynamics, among them, we highlight the difference between the ballistic and diffusive evolution. The first one governs a spatial scrambling, the second, a scrambling of the quasi-particles content. We also go one step beyond the linear regime and discuss the evolution of the zero momentum mode that does not evolve in the linear regime.

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Diffusion Hydrodynamics Lieb-Liniger model

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