Snowmass2021 cosmic frontier white paper: Ultraheavy particle dark matter
Daniel Carney, Nirmal Raj, Yang Bai, Joshua Berger, Carlos Blanco, Joseph Bramante, Christopher Cappiello, Maíra Dutra, Reza Ebadi, Kristi Engel, Edward Kolb, J. Patrick Harding, Jason Kumar, Gordan Krnjaic, Rafael F. Lang, Rebecca K. Leane, Benjamin V. Lehmann, Shengchao Li, Andrew J. Long, Gopolang Mohlabeng, Ibles Olcina, Elisa Pueschel, Nicholas L. Rodd, Carsten Rott, Dipan Sengupta, Bibhushan Shakya, Ronald L. Walsworth, Shawn Westerdale
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 075 (2023) · published 6 November 2023
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.6.4.075
- Submissions/Reports
We outline the unique opportunities and challenges in the search for "ultraheavy" dark matter candidates with masses between roughly 10 TeV and the Planck scale $m_{\rm pl} ≈ 10^{16}$ TeV. This mass range presents a wide and relatively unexplored dark matter parameter space, with a rich space of possible models and cosmic histories. We emphasize that both current detectors and new, targeted search techniques, via both direct and indirect detection, are poised to contribute to searches for ultraheavy particle dark matter in the coming decade. We highlight the need for new developments in this space, including new analyses of current and imminent direct and indirect experiments targeting ultraheavy dark matter and development of new, ultra-sensitive detector technologies like next-generation liquid noble detectors, neutrino experiments, and specialized quantum sensing techniques.
Cited by 17
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Daniel Carney,
- 2 Nirmal Raj,
- 3 Yang Bai,
- 4 Joshua Berger,
- 5 6 Carlos Blanco,
- 7 8 Joseph Bramante,
- 8 Christopher Cappiello,
- 9 Maíra Dutra,
- 10 Reza Ebadi,
- 10 Kristi Engel,
- 11 Edward Kolb,
- 12 J. Patrick Harding,
- 13 Jason Kumar,
- 11 14 Gordan Krnjaic,
- 15 Rafael F. Lang,
- 16 17 Rebecca K. Leane,
- 18 Benjamin V. Lehmann,
- 15 Shengchao Li,
- 19 Andrew J. Long,
- 7 8 Gopolang Mohlabeng,
- 1 20 Ibles Olcina,
- 21 Elisa Pueschel,
- 22 Nicholas L. Rodd,
- 23 24 Carsten Rott,
- 25 26 Dipan Sengupta,
- 21 Bibhushan Shakya,
- 10 Ronald L. Walsworth,
- 6 Shawn Westerdale
- 1 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [LBNL]
- 2 भारतीय विज्ञान संस्थान / Indian Institute of Science Bangalore [IISc]
- 3 University of Wisconsin–Madison [UW]
- 4 Colorado State University [CSU]
- 5 Stockholm University [Univ Stockholm]
- 6 Princeton University
- 7 Institut Périmètre de physique théorique / Perimeter Institute [PI]
- 8 Queen's University
- 9 Carleton University
- 10 University of Maryland, College Park [UMCP]
- 11 University of Chicago [UC]
- 12 Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL]
- 13 University of Hawaii System [UH]
- 14 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory [Fermilab]
- 15 Purdue University
- 16 Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
- 17 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory [SLAC]
- 18 University of California, Santa Cruz [UCSC]
- 19 Rice University
- 20 University of California, Berkeley [UCBL]
- 21 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron / Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY [DESY]
- 22 Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire / European Organization for Nuclear Research [CERN]
- 23 성균관대학교 / Sungkyunkwan University [SKKU]
- 24 University of Utah [UU]
- 25 University of California, San Diego [UCSD]
- 26 University of Adelaide