Dipole symmetry breaking and fractonic Nambu-Goldstone mode
Evangelos Afxonidis, Alessio Caddeo, Carlos Hoyos, Daniele Musso
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 082 (2023) · published 28 November 2023
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.6.4.082
- Submissions/Reports
We introduce a family of quantum field theories for fields carrying monopole and dipole charges. In contrast to previous realizations, fields have quadratic two-derivative kinetic terms. The dipole symmetry algebra is realized in a discretized internal space and connected to the physical space through a background gauge field. We study spontaneous symmetry breaking of dipole symmetry in 1+1 dimensions in a large-$N$ limit. The trivial classical vacuum is lifted by quantum corrections into a vacuum which breaks dipole symmetry while preserving monopole charge. By means of a Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation, heat-kernel and large-$N$ techniques, we compute the effective action for the low-energy modes. We encounter a fractonic immobile Nambu-Goldstone mode whose dispersion characteristics avoid Coleman-Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner theorem independently of the large-$N$ limit.
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Authors / Affiliation: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Evangelos Afxonidis,
- 1 Alessio Caddeo,
- 1 Carlos Hoyos,
- 1 Daniele Musso