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Rapid measurements and phase transition detections made simple by AC-GANs

Jiewei Ding, Ho-Kin Tang, Wing Chi Yu

SciPost Phys. Core 7, 035 (2024) · published 11 June 2024


In recent years, significant attention has been paid to using end-to-end neural networks for analyzing Monte Carlo data. However, the exploration of non-end-to-end generative adversarial neural networks remains limited. Here, we investigate classical many-body systems using generative adversarial neural networks. We employ the conditional generative adversarial network with an auxiliary classifier (AC-GAN) and integrate self-attention layers into the generator. This modification enables the network learn the distribution of the two-dimensional (2D) XY model's spin configurations and the physical quantities of interest. Utilizing the symmetry of the systems, we discover that AC-GAN can be trained with a very small raw dataset. This approach allows us to obtain reliable measurements for models typically demanding large samples, such as the large-sized 2D XY and the 3D constrained Heisenberg models. Moreover, we demonstrate the capability of AC-GAN to identify the phase transition points by quantifying the distribution changes in the spin configurations of the systems.

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