National Natural Science Foundation of China [NSFC]
Name | National Natural Science Foundation of China |
Acronym | NSFC |
Country | China |
Address | |
Type | Foundation |
Status | Active |
ROR id (link) | |
Crossref Org ID (link) | No Crossref Org ID found |
ROR information
ROR ID (link) | |
Primary Name | National Natural Science Foundation of China |
Alternative Names |
Country | China |
Website(s) | |
Funder Registry instances associated to this Organization:
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
Associated Publications :
99 total publications
23 publications
General relativistic stochastic thermodynamics
by Tao Wang, Yifan Cai, Long Cui, Liu Zhao,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 082 (2024) -
Superdiffusive transport in quasi-particle dephasing models
by Yu-Peng Wang, Chen Fang, Jie Ren,
SciPost Phys. 17, 150 (2024) -
Four-quark scatterings in QCD II
by Wei-jie Fu, Chuang Huang, Jan M. Pawlowski, Yang-yang Tan,
SciPost Phys. 17, 148 (2024) -
Building 1D lattice models with $G$-graded fusion category
by Shang-Qiang Ning, Bin-Bin Mao, Chenjie Wang,
SciPost Phys. 17, 125 (2024) -
Real-space approach for the Euler class and fragile topology in quasicrystals and amorphous lattices
by Dexin Li, Citian Wang, Huaqing Huang,
SciPost Phys. 17, 086 (2024) -
Two infinite families of facets of the holographic entropy cone
by Bartlomiej Czech, Yu Liu, Bo Yu,
SciPost Phys. 17, 084 (2024) -
Efficient construction of the Feynman-Vernon influence functional as matrix product states
by Chu Guo, Ruofan Chen,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 063 (2024) -
Quenched dynamics and pattern formation in clean and disordered Bogoliubov-de Gennes superconductors
by Bo Fan, Antonio Miguel García García,
SciPost Phys. 17, 049 (2024) -
Precision magnetometry exploiting excited state quantum phase transitions
by Qian Wang, Ugo Marzolino,
SciPost Phys. 17, 043 (2024) -
Symmetry energy in holographic QCD
by Lorenzo Bartolini, Sven Bjarke Gudnason,
SciPost Phys. 16, 156 (2024) -
Rapid measurements and phase transition detections made simple by AC-GANs
by Jiewei Ding, Ho-Kin Tang, Wing Chi Yu,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 035 (2024) -
Matrix method and the suppression of Runge's phenomenon
by Shui-Fa Shen, Wei-Liang Qian, Jie Zhang, Yu Pan, Yu-Peng Yan, Cheng-Gang Shao,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 034 (2024) -
Event generators for high-energy physics experiments
by J. M. Campbell, M. Diefenthaler, T. J. Hobbs, S. Höche, J. Isaacson, F. Kling, S. Mrenna, J. Reuter, S. Alioli, J. R. Andersen, C. Andreopoulos, A. M. Ankowski, E. C. Aschenauer, A. Ashkenazi, M. D. Baker, J. L. Barrow, M. van Beekveld, G. Bewick, S. Bhattacharya, C. Bierlich, E. Bothmann, P. Bredt, A. Broggio, A. Buckley, A. Butter, J. M. Butterworth, E. P. Byrne, C. M. Carloni-Calame, S. Chakraborty, X. Chen, M. Chiesa, J. T. Childers, J. Cruz-Martinez, J. Currie, N. Darvishi, M. Dasgupta, A. Denner, F. A. Dreyer, S. Dytman, B. K. El-Menoufi, T. Engel, S. Ferrario Ravasio, D. Figueroa, L. Flower, J. R. Forshaw, R. Frederix, A. Friedland, S. Frixione, H. Gallagher, K. Gallmeister, S. Gardiner, R. Gauld, J. Gaunt, A. Gavardi, T. Gehrmann, A. Gehrmann-De Ridder, L. Gellersen, W. Giele, S. Gieseke, F. Giuli, E. W. N. Glover, M. Grazzini, A. Grohsjean, C. Gütschow, K. Hamilton, T. Han, R. Hatcher, G. Heinrich, I. Helenius, O. Hen, V. Hirschi, M. Höfer, J. Holguin, A. Huss, P. Ilten, S. Jadach, A. Jentsch, S. P. Jones, W. Ju, S. Kallweit, A. Karlberg, T. Katori, M. Kerner, W. Kilian, M. M. Kirchgaeßer, S. Klein, M. Knobbe, C. Krause, F. Krauss, J. Lang, J. -N. Lang, G. Lee, S. W. Li, M. A. Lim, J. M. Lindert, D. Lombardi, L. Lönnblad, M. Löschner, N. Lurkin, Y. Ma, P. Machado, V. Magerya, A. Maier, I. Majer, F. Maltoni, M. Marcoli, G. Marinelli, M. R. Masouminia, P. Mastrolia, O. Mattelaer, J. Mazzitelli, J. McFayden, R. Medves, P. Meinzinger, J. Mo, P. F. Monni, G. Montagna, T. Morgan, U. Mosel, B. Nachman, P. Nadolsky, R. Nagar, Z. Nagy, D. Napoletano, P. Nason, T. Neumann, L. J. Nevay, O. Nicrosini, J. Niehues, K. Niewczas, T. Ohl, G. Ossola, V. Pandey, A. Papadopoulou, A. Papaefstathiou, G. Paz, M. Pellen, G. Pelliccioli, T. Peraro, F. Piccinini, L. Pickering, J. Pires, W. Placzek, S. Plätzer, T. Plehn, S. Pozzorini, S. Prestel, C. T. Preuss, A. C. Price, S. Quackenbush, E. Re, D. Reichelt, L. Reina, C. Reuschle, P. Richardson, M. Rocco, N. Rocco, M. Roda, A. Rodriguez Garcia, S. Roiser, J. Rojo, L. Rottoli, G. P. Salam, M. Schönherr, S. Schuchmann, S. Schumann, R. Schürmann, L. Scyboz, M. H. Seymour, F. Siegert, A. Signer, G. Singh Chahal, A. Siódmok, T. Sjöstrand, P. Skands, J. M. Smillie, J. T. Sobczyk, D. Soldin, D. E. Soper, A. Soto-Ontoso, G. Soyez, G. Stagnitto, J. Tena-Vidal, O. Tomalak, F. Tramontano, S. Trojanowski, Z. Tu, S. Uccirati, T. Ullrich, Y. Ulrich, M. Utheim, A. Valassi, A. Verbytskyi, R. Verheyen, M. Wagman, D. Walker, B. R. Webber, L. Weinstein, O. White, J. Whitehead, M. Wiesemann, C. Wilkinson, C. Williams, R. Winterhalder, C. Wret, K. Xie, T-Z. Yang, E. Yazgan, G. Zanderighi, S. Zanoli, K. Zapp,
SciPost Phys. 16, 130 (2024) -
Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the 3D Ising transition on the fuzzy sphere
by Johannes Stephan Hofmann, Florian Goth, Wei Zhu, Yin-Chen He, Emilie Huffman,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 028 (2024) -
Entanglement negativity and defect extremal surface
by Yilu Shao, Ma-Ke Yuan, Yang Zhou,
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 027 (2024) -
Anomalous criticality coexists with giant cluster in the uniform forest model
by Hao Chen, Jesús Salas, Youjin Deng,
SciPost Phys. 16, 121 (2024) -
Weakly interacting Bose gas with two-body losses
by Chang Liu, Zheyu Shi, Ce Wang,
SciPost Phys. 16, 116 (2024) -
Spin-$s$ rational $Q$-system
by Jue Hou, Yunfeng Jiang, Rui-Dong Zhu,
SciPost Phys. 16, 113 (2024) -
Decoding stringy near-supersymmetric black holes
by Chi-Ming Chang, Li Feng, Ying-Hsuan Lin, Yi-Xiao Tao,
SciPost Phys. 16, 109 (2024) -
Certifying quantum separability with adaptive polytopes
by Ties-A. Ohst, Xiao-Dong Yu, Otfried Gühne, H. Chau Nguyen,
SciPost Phys. 16, 063 (2024) -
Introduction to dynamical mean-field theory of randomly connected neural networks with bidirectionally correlated couplings
by Wenxuan Zou, Haiping Huang,
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 79 (2024) -
Electric conductivity in non-Hermitian holography
by Zhuo-Yu Xian, David Rodríguez Fernández, Zhaohui Chen, Yang Liu, René Meyer,
SciPost Phys. 16, 004 (2024) -
Observation of non-local impedance response in a passive electrical circuit
by Xiao Zhang, Boxue Zhang, Weihong Zhao, Ching Hua Lee,
SciPost Phys. 16, 002 (2024)
23 publications
Ownerless island and partial entanglement entropy in island phases
by Debarshi Basu, Jiong Lin, Yizhou Lu, Qiang Wen,
SciPost Phys. 15, 227 (2023) -
Topological defect lines in two dimensional fermionic CFTs
by Chi-Ming Chang, Jin Chen, Fengjun Xu,
SciPost Phys. 15, 216 (2023) -
Average symmetry protected higher-order topological amorphous insulators
by Yu-Liang Tao, Jiong-Hao Wang, Yong Xu,
SciPost Phys. 15, 193 (2023) -
Floquet fractional Chern insulators and competing phases in twisted bilayer graphene
by Peng-Sheng Hu, Yi-Han Zhou, Zhao Liu,
SciPost Phys. 15, 148 (2023) -
Fermionic higher-form symmetries
by Yi-Nan Wang, Yi Zhang,
SciPost Phys. 15, 142 (2023) -
Measuring the attenuation length of muon number in the air shower with muon detectors of 3/4 LHAASO array
by Xiaoting Feng, Hengying Zhang, Cunfeng Feng, Lingling Ma on behalf of the LHAASO Collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 017 (2023) -
Results on high energy galactic cosmic rays from the DAMPE space mission
by Leandro Silveri on behalf of the DAMPE Collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 012 (2023) -
Bethe-state counting and Witten index
by Hongfei Shu, Peng Zhao, Rui-Dong Zhu, Hao Zou,
SciPost Phys. 15, 103 (2023) -
Renormalised spectral flows
by Jens Braun, Yong-rui Chen, Wei-jie Fu, Andreas Geißel, Jan Horak, Chuang Huang, Friederike Ihssen, Jan M. Pawlowski, Manuel Reichert, Fabian Rennecke, Yang-yang Tan, Sebastian Töpfel, Jonas Wessely, Nicolas Wink,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 061 (2023) -
Exact physical quantities of a competing spin chain in the thermodynamic limit
by Pengcheng Lu, Yi Qiao, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang,
SciPost Phys. 15, 060 (2023) -
Weak ergodicity breaking in non-Hermitian many-body systems
by Qianqian Chen, Shuai A. Chen, Zheng Zhu,
SciPost Phys. 15, 052 (2023) -
3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ mirror symmetry with 1-form symmetry
by Satoshi Nawata, Marcus Sperling, Hao Ellery Wang, Zhenghao Zhong,
SciPost Phys. 15, 033 (2023) -
Special transition and extraordinary phase on the surface of a two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet
by Chengxiang Ding, Wenjing Zhu, Wenan Guo, Long Zhang,
SciPost Phys. 15, 012 (2023) -
Autoregressive neural Slater-Jastrow ansatz for variational Monte Carlo simulation
by Stephan Humeniuk, Yuan Wan, Lei Wang,
SciPost Phys. 14, 171 (2023) -
$m^*$ of two-dimensional electron gas: A neural canonical transformation study
by Hao Xie, Linfeng Zhang, Lei Wang,
SciPost Phys. 14, 154 (2023) -
Residual matrix product state for machine learning
by Ye-Ming Meng, Jing Zhang, Peng Zhang, Chao Gao, Shi-Ju Ran,
SciPost Phys. 14, 142 (2023) -
Parameter-parallel distributed variational quantum algorithm
by Yun-Fei Niu, Shuo Zhang, Chen Ding, Wan-Su Bao, He-Liang Huang,
SciPost Phys. 14, 132 (2023) -
On higher-dimensional Carrollian and Galilean conformal field theories
by Bin Chen, Reiko Liu, Yu-fan Zheng,
SciPost Phys. 14, 088 (2023) -
Lacing topological orders in two dimensions: Exactly solvable models for Kitaev's sixteen-fold way
by Jin-Tao Jin, Jian-Jian Miao, Yi Zhou,
SciPost Phys. 14, 087 (2023) -
Four-quark scatterings in QCD I
by Wei-jie Fu, Chuang Huang, Jan M. Pawlowski, Yang-yang Tan,
SciPost Phys. 14, 069 (2023) -
Uhlmann phase of coherent states and the Uhlmann-Berry correspondence
by Xin Wang, Xu-Yang Hou, Zheng Zhou, Hao Guo, and Chih-Chun Chien,
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 024 (2023) -
Quantum tricriticality of incommensurate phase induced by quantum strings in frustrated Ising magnetism
by Zheng Zhou (周正), Changle Liu (刘长乐), Dong-Xu Liu (刘东旭), Zheng Yan (严正), Yan Chen (陈焱), Xue-Feng Zhang (张学锋),
SciPost Phys. 14, 037 (2023) -
Fermionic Bogomolǹyi-Prasad-Sommerfield Wilson loops in four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal gauge theories
by Hao Ouyang, Jun-Bao Wu,
SciPost Phys. 14, 008 (2023)
33 publications
Scaling of the disorder operator at deconfined quantum criticality
by Yan-Cheng Wang, Nvsen Ma, Meng Cheng, Zi Yang Meng,
SciPost Phys. 13, 123 (2022) -
Towards explicit discrete holography: Aperiodic spin chains from hyperbolic tilings
by Pablo Basteiro, Giuseppe Di Giulio, Johanna Erdmenger, Jonathan Karl, René Meyer, Zhuo-Yu Xian,
SciPost Phys. 13, 103 (2022) -
Topological states in double monolayer graphene
by Ying-Hai Wu,
SciPost Phys. 13, 094 (2022) -
Traveling-wave antenna model for terahertz radiation from laser-plasma interactions
by Jiayu Zhao, Qining Wang, Yuchen Hui, Yamin Chen, Feifan Zhu, Zuanming Jin, Alexander P. Shkurinov, Yan Peng, Yiming Zhu, Songlin Zhuang, Li Lao,
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 046 (2022) -
Rapid detection of phase transitions from Monte Carlo samples before equilibrium
by Jiewei Ding, Ho-Kin Tang, Wing Chi Yu,
SciPost Phys. 13, 057 (2022) -
Quantifying Non-Markovianity in Open Quantum Dynamics
by Chu Guo,
SciPost Phys. 13, 028 (2022) -
Quantum Neural Network Classifiers: A Tutorial
by Weikang Li, Zhide Lu, Dong-Ling Deng,
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 61 (2022) -
Measurement of Intermittency for Charged Particles in Au + Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 7.7-200 GeV from STAR
by Jin Wu,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 041 (2022) -
Light Nuclei Production in Au+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 3 GeV from the STAR experiment
by Hui Liu,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 040 (2022) -
The study of hadron properties and structure in high energy multi-production processes
by Shi-Yuan Li,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 039 (2022) -
Hadron structure from basis light-front quantization
by Chandan Mondal, Jiangshan Lan, Kaiyu Fu, Siqi Xu, Zhi Hu, Xingbo Zhao, James P. Vary,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 10, 036 (2022) -
$q$th-root non-Hermitian Floquet topological insulators
by Longwen Zhou, Raditya Weda Bomantara, Shenlin Wu,
SciPost Phys. 13, 015 (2022) -
Transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions for spin-1 hadrons
by S. Kumano, Qin-Tao Song,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 174 (2022) -
Longitudinal and Transverse Spin Transfer of $Λ$ and $\overlineΛ$ Hyperons in Polarized $p$+$p$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$ GeV at RHIC-STAR
by Yike Xu,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 125 (2022) -
Proton gravitational form factors in a light-front quark-diquark model
by Dipankar Chakrabarti, Chandan Mondal, Asmita Mukherjee, Sreeraj Nair, Xingbo Zhao,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 113 (2022) -
Possible studies of gluon transversity in the spin-1 deuteron at hadron-accelerator facilities
by S. Kumano, Qin-Tao Song,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 100 (2022) -
The photon content of the proton in the CT18 global analysis
by Keping Xie, T. J. Hobbs, Tie-Jiun Hou, Carl Schmidt, Mengshi Yan, C. -P. Yuan,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 074 (2022) -
Twist-3 partonic distributions from lattice QCD
by Shohini Bhattacharya, Krzysztof Cichy, Martha Constantinou, Andreas Metz, Aurora Scapellato, Fernanda Steffens,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 057 (2022) -
Zero modes and matching for the twist-3 PDFs
by Shohini Bhattacharya, Krzysztof Cichy, Martha Constantinou, Andreas Metz, Aurora Scapellato, Fernanda Steffens,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 056 (2022) -
Investigation of the background in coherent $J/\psi$ production at the EIC
by Wan Chang,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 053 (2022) -
NNLO constraints on proton PDFs from the SeaQuest and STAR experiments and other developments in the CTEQ-TEA global analysis
by Marco Guzzi, T. J. Hobbs, Tie-Jiun Hou, Xiaoxian Jing, Keping Xie, Aurore Courtoy, Sayipjamal Dulat, Jun Gao, Joey Huston, Pavel M. Nadolsky, Carl Schmidt, Ibrahim Sitiwaldi, Mengshi Yan, C.-P. Yuan,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 005 (2022) -
Two-Loop renormalization of High-Dimensional QCD operators and Higgs EFT amplitudes
by Qingjun Jin, Ke Ren, Gang Yang, Rui Yu,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 036 (2022) -
The pion-photon transition form factor at two loops in QCD
by Jing Gao, Tobias Huber, Yao Ji, Yu-Ming Wang,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 022 (2022) -
On the generalizability of artificial neural networks in spin models
by Hon Man Yau, Nan Su,
SciPost Phys. Core 5, 032 (2022) -
Double-J/ψ system in the spotlight of recent LHCb data
by V. Baru, X.-K. Dong, F.-K. Guo, C. Hanhart, A. Nefediev, B.-S. Zou,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 6, 007 (2022) -
The scalar and tensor glueball in production and decay
by Eberhard Klempt,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 6, 001 (2022) -
Half-wormholes in nearly AdS$_2$ holography
by Antonio M. García-García, Victor Godet,
SciPost Phys. 12, 135 (2022) -
5D and 6D SCFTs from $\mathbb{C}^3$ orbifolds
by Jiahua Tian, Yi-Nan Wang,
SciPost Phys. 12, 127 (2022) -
Thermodynamic limit and boundary energy of the spin-1 Heisenberg chain with non-diagonal boundary fields
by Zhihan Zheng, Pei Sun, Xiaotian Xu, Tao Yang, Junpeng Cao, Wen-Li Yang,
SciPost Phys. 12, 071 (2022) -
D-branes and orbit average
by Peihe Yang, Yunfeng Jiang, Shota Komatsu, Jun-Bao Wu,
SciPost Phys. 12, 055 (2022) -
Publishing statistical models: Getting the most out of particle physics experiments
by Kyle Cranmer, Sabine Kraml, Harrison B. Prosper, Philip Bechtle, Florian U. Bernlochner, Itay M. Bloch, Enzo Canonero, Marcin Chrzaszcz, Andrea Coccaro, Jan Conrad, Glen Cowan, Matthew Feickert, Nahuel Ferreiro Iachellini, Andrew Fowlie, Lukas Heinrich, Alexander Held, Thomas Kuhr, Anders Kvellestad, Maeve Madigan, Farvah Mahmoudi, Knut Dundas Morå, Mark S. Neubauer, Maurizio Pierini, Juan Rojo, Sezen Sekmen, Luca Silvestrini, Veronica Sanz, Giordon Stark, Riccardo Torre, Robert Thorne, Wolfgang Waltenberger, Nicholas Wardle, Jonas Wittbrodt,
SciPost Phys. 12, 037 (2022) -
Anomalous mobility edges in one-dimensional quasiperiodic models
by Tong Liu, Xu Xia, Stefano Longhi, Laurent Sanchez-Palencia,
SciPost Phys. 12, 027 (2022) -
Real-time dynamics of the $O(4)$ scalar theory within the fRG approach
by Yang-yang Tan, Yong-rui Chen, Wei-jie Fu,
SciPost Phys. 12, 026 (2022)
9 publications
Dual applications of Chebyshev polynomials method: Efficiently finding thousands of central eigenvalues for many-spin systems
by Haoyu Guan, Wenxian Zhang,
SciPost Phys. 11, 103 (2021) -
Predicting quantum potentials by deep neural network and metropolis sampling
by Rui Hong, Peng-Fei Zhou, Bin Xi, Jie Hu, An-Chun Ji, Shi-Ju Ran,
SciPost Phys. Core 4, 022 (2021) -
Area law and OPE blocks in conformal field theory
by Jiang Long,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 4, 013 (2021) -
From Rindler fluid to dark fluid on the holographic cutoff surface
by Rong-Gen Cai, Gansukh Tumurtushaa, Yun-Long Zhang,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 4, 003 (2021) -
Generalized Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem on bosonic symmetry protected topological phases
by Shenghan Jiang, Meng Cheng, Yang Qi, Yuan-Ming Lu,
SciPost Phys. 11, 024 (2021) -
Entanglement, non-hermiticity, and duality
by Li-Mei Chen, Shuai A. Chen, Peng Ye,
SciPost Phys. 11, 003 (2021) -
CP symmetry and symplectic modular invariance
by Gui-Jun Ding, Ferruccio Feruglio, Xiang-Gan Liu,
SciPost Phys. 10, 133 (2021) -
A new derivation of the relationship between diffusion coefficient and entropy in classical Brownian motion by the ensemble method
by Yi Liao, Xiao-Bo Gong,
SciPost Phys. Core 4, 015 (2021) -
Branes, quivers and wave-functions
by Taro Kimura, Miłosz Panfil, Yuji Sugimoto, Piotr Sułkowski,
SciPost Phys. 10, 051 (2021)
6 publications
Pseudoscalar pair production via off-shell Higgs in composite Higgs models
by Diogo Buarque Franzosi, Gabriele Ferretti, Li Huang, Jing Shu,
SciPost Phys. 9, 077 (2020) -
Relaxation of bosons in one dimension and the onset of dimensional crossover
by Chen Li, Tianwei Zhou, Igor Mazets, Hans-Peter Stimming, Frederik S. Møller, Zijie Zhu, Yueyang Zhai, Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Jörg Schmiedmayer,
SciPost Phys. 9, 058 (2020) -
Geometry of variational methods: dynamics of closed quantum systems
by Lucas Hackl, Tommaso Guaita, Tao Shi, Jutho Haegeman, Eugene Demler, J. Ignacio Cirac,
SciPost Phys. 9, 048 (2020) -
Universal bounds on transport in holographic systems with broken translations
by Matteo Baggioli, Wei-Jia Li,
SciPost Phys. 9, 007 (2020) -
Generalized parton distribution functions of $\rho$ meson
by Baodong Sun, Yubing Dong,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 014 (2020) -
Strangeness neutrality and QCD thermodynamics
by Wei-jie Fu, Jan M. Pawlowski, Fabian Rennecke,
SciPost Phys. Core 2, 002 (2020)
4 publications
Probing proton structure at the Large Hadron electron Collider
by Rabah Abdul Khalek, Shaun Bailey, Jun Gao, Lucian Harland-Lang, Juan Rojo,
SciPost Phys. 7, 051 (2019) -
Search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the $Z$ boson into a $\tau$-lepton and a light lepton with the ATLAS detector
by Wing Sheung Chan on behalf of the ATLAS collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 048 (2019) -
Test lepton flavor universality with (semi)leptonic $D$ decays at BESIII
by S. F. Zhang on behalf of the BESIII Collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 016 (2019) -
$τ$ lepton mass measurement at BESIII
by Jianyong Zhang on behalf of BESIII collaboration,
SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 004 (2019)
1 publication
Momentum-space and real-space Berry curvatures in Mn$_{3}$Sn
by Xiaokang Li, Liangcai Xu, Huakun Zuo, Alaska Subedi, Zengwei Zhu, Kamran Behnia,
SciPost Phys. 5, 063 (2018)
Affiliated Fellows
Currently active
0 fellows
- No fellowship found
0 fellows
- No fellowship found
Support history
Direct support
This Organization has not yet supported SciPost directly.
Balance of SciPost expenditures versus support received
The following Expenditures (National Natural Science Foundation of China) table compiles the expenditures by SciPost to publish all papers which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China , and weighed by this Organization's PubFracs.
Help! What do these terms mean?
Concept | Acronym | Definition |
Associated Publications | An Organization's Associated Publications is the set of papers in which the Organization (or any of its children) is mentioned in author affiliations, or in the acknowledgements as grant-giver or funder. | |
Number of Associated Publications | NAP | Number of Associated Publications, compiled (depending on context) for a given year or over many years, for a specific Journal or for many, etc. |
Publication Fraction | PubFrac | A fraction of a unit representing an Organization's "weight" for a given Publication. The weight is given by the following simple algorithm:
Expenditures | We use the term Expenditures to represent the sum of all outflows of money required by our initiative to achieve a certain output (depending on context). | |
Average Publication Expenditures | APEX | For a given Journal for a given year, the average expenditures per Publication which our initiative has faced. All our APEX are listed on our APEX page. |
Total Associated Expenditures | Total expenditures ascribed to an Organization's Associated Publications (given for one or many years, Journals etc depending on context). | |
PubFrac share | The fraction of expenditures which can be associated to an Organization, based on PubFracs. This is defined as APEX times PubFrac, summed over the set of Publications defined by the context (e.g. all Associated Publications of a given Organization for a given Journal in a given year). | |
Subsidy support | Sum of the values of all Subsidies relevant to a given context (for example: from a given Organization in a given year). | |
Impact on reserves | Difference between incoming and outgoing financial resources for the activities under consideration (again defined depending on context).
Year (click to toggle details) | NAP | Total associated expenditures | PubFrac share |
Subsidy support |
Impact on reserves |
Cumulative | 99 | €51028 | €66 | €0 | €-66 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Per year: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2025 (ongoing) | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2025. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2024 | 23 | €18800 | €66 | €0 | €-66 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2024. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2023 | 23 | €10889 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2023. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2022 | 33 | €11099 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2022. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2021 | 9 | €5010 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2021. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2020 | 6 | €3400 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2020. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2019 | 4 | €1100 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2019. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2018 | 1 | €730 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2018. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2017 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to National Natural Science Foundation of China for 2017. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.