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Transport of orbital currents in systems with strong intervalley coupling: The case of Kekulé distorted graphene

Tarik P. Cysne, R. B. Muniz, Tatiana G. Rappoport

SciPost Phys. Core 7, 046 (2024) · published 30 July 2024


We show that orbital currents can describe the transport of orbital magnetic moments of Bloch states in models where the formalism based on valley current is not applicable. As a case study, we consider Kekulé-$O$ distorted graphene. We begin by analyzing the band structure in detail and obtain the intrinsic orbital magnetic moment operator of Bloch states for this model. Despite the simultaneous presence of time-reversal and spatial-inversion symmetries, such operator may be defined, although its expectation value at a given energy is zero. Nevertheless, its presence can be exposed by the application of an external magnetic field. We then proceed to study the transport of these quantities. In the Kekulé-$O$ distorted graphene model, the strong coupling between different valleys prevents the definition of a bulk valley current. However, the formalism of the orbital Hall effect together with the non-Abelian description of the magnetic moment operator can be directly applied to describe its transport in these types of models. We show that the Kekulé-$O$ distorted graphene model exhibits an orbital Hall insulating plateau whose height is inversely proportional to the energy band gap produced by intervalley coupling. Our results strengthen the perspective of using the orbital Hall effect formalism as a preferable alternative to the valley Hall effect approach.

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