2B or not 2B, a study of bottom-quark-philic semi-visible jets
Deepak Kar, Wandile Nzuza, Sukanya Sinha
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 071 (2024) · published 13 November 2024
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.7.4.071
- Submissions/Reports
Semi-visible jets arise in strongly interacting dark sectors, resulting in jets overlapping with the missing transverse momentum direction. The implementation of semi-visible jets is done using the Pythia Hidden Valley module to mimic the QCD sector showering in so-called dark shower. In this work, only heavy flavour Standard Model quarks are considered in dark shower, resulting in a much less ambiguous collider signature of semi-visible jets compared to the democratic production of all five quark flavours in dark shower. The constraints from available searches on this signature are presented, and it is shown the signal reconstruction can be improved by using variable-radius jets. Finally a search strategy is suggested.
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 2 Deepak Kar,
- 2 Wandile Nzuza,
- 3 Sukanya Sinha