Anonymous: "The authors have provided a de..."
in Submissions | submission on Interleaved Resonance Decays and Electroweak Radiation in the Vincia Parton Shower by Helen Brooks, Peter Skands, Rob Verheyen
Dr Machado Monteiro: "The authors identify new condi..."
in Submissions | report on Hamiltonian structure of 2D fluid dynamics with broken parity
Dr Bomans: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Bubble instabilities of mIIA on AdS$_4\times S^7$
Anonymous: "Dear Authors, Thank you for a..."
in Comments | comment on Towards traversable wormholes from force-free plasmas
Dr Dillon: "While we are grateful to the r..."
in Submissions | report on Symmetries, Safety, and Self-Supervision
Dr Van Loon: "Dear Referee, We thank you ..."
in Submissions | report on Quasiparticle disintegration in fermionic superfluids
Dr Van Loon: "Dear Referee, We thank you ..."
in Submissions | report on Quasiparticle disintegration in fermionic superfluids
Anonymous: "Thanks for addressing my comme..."
in Comments | comment on Lund jet plane for Higgs tagging
Dr Dalmonte: "See attached pdf file."
in Submissions | report on Measurement-induced criticality in extended and long-range unitary circuits
Prof. Compère: "Dear referee, I would like t..."
in Submissions | report on Celestial Holography: Lectures on Asymptotic Symmetries