Dr Khosa: "I thank the referee for carefu..."
in Submissions | report on Lund jet plane for Higgs tagging
Anonymous: "I recommend to publish the art..."
in Submissions | submission on Symmetries, Safety, and Self-Supervision by Barry M. Dillon, Gregor Kasieczka, Hans Olischlager, Tilman Plehn, Peter Sorrenson, and Lorenz Vogel
Dr Dillon: "We'd like to thank the referee..."
in Submissions | report on Symmetries, Safety, and Self-Supervision
Dr Dillon: "Thanks for the comments, we be..."
in Submissions | report on Symmetries, Safety, and Self-Supervision
Dr Dillon: "We’d like to thank the referee..."
in Submissions | report on Symmetries, Safety, and Self-Supervision
Dr Dalmonte: "We thank Referee 3 for their r..."
in Submissions | report on Measurement-induced criticality in extended and long-range unitary circuits