Dr Radicevic: "I thank the referee for the qu..."
in Comments | comment on Systematic Constructions of Fracton Theories
Anonymous: "I am the referee of this repor..."
in Comments | comment on Systematic Constructions of Fracton Theories
Dr Radicevic: "I thank the referee once again..."
in Submissions | report on Systematic Constructions of Fracton Theories
Prof. De Groot: "Dear Dr. Takahashi, thank y..."
in Submissions | report on Identifying hadronic charmonium decays in hadron colliders
Dr Stergiou: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Bootstrapping Mixed Correlators in Three-Dimensional Cubic Theories II
Dr Jefferson: "We wish to thank the referee f..."
in Submissions | report on Information geometry in quantum field theory: lessons from simple examples