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  • Chen Li, Tianwei Zhou, Igor Mazets, Hans-Peter Stimming, Frederik S. Møller, Zijie Zhu, Yueyang Zhai, Wei Xiong, Xiaoji Zhou, Xuzong Chen, Jörg Schmiedmayer

    SciPost Phys. 9, 058 (2020) · published 22 October 2020 | · pdf

    22 citations

  • Justin Kaidi, Julio Parra-Martinez, Yuji Tachikawa, with a mathematical appendix by Arun Debray

    SciPost Phys. 9, 010 (2020) · published 21 July 2020 | · pdf

    22 citations

  • Dominik Hahn, Paul A. McClarty, David J. Luitz

    SciPost Phys. 11, 074 (2021) · published 6 October 2021 | · pdf

    22 citations

  • Yan-Cheng Wang, Nvsen Ma, Meng Cheng, Zi Yang Meng

    SciPost Phys. 13, 123 (2022) · published 14 December 2022 | · pdf

    22 citations

  • Yi-Hsieh Wang, Ted Jacobson, Mark Edwards, Charles W. Clark

    SciPost Phys. 3, 022 (2017) · published 26 September 2017 | · pdf

    22 citations

  • André Melo, Sebastian Rubbert, Anton R. Akhmerov

    SciPost Phys. 7, 039 (2019) · published 27 September 2019 | · pdf

    22 citations

  • Martin Bauer, Sascha Diefenbacher, Tilman Plehn, Michael Russell, Daniel A. Camargo

    SciPost Phys. 5, 036 (2018) · published 19 October 2018 | · pdf

    21 citations

  • Anja Butter, Tilman Plehn, Steffen Schumann, Simon Badger, Sascha Caron, Kyle Cranmer, Francesco Armando Di Bello, Etienne Dreyer, Stefano Forte, Sanmay Ganguly, Dorival Gonçalves, Eilam Gross, Theo Heimel, Gudrun Heinrich, Lukas Heinrich, Alexander Held, Stefan Höche, Jessica N. Howard, Philip Ilten, Joshua Isaacson, Timo Janßen, Stephen Jones, Marumi Kado, Michael Kagan, Gregor Kasieczka, Felix Kling, Sabine Kraml, Claudius Krause, Frank Krauss, Kevin Kröninger, Rahool Kumar Barman, Michel Luchmann, Vitaly Magerya, Daniel Maitre, Bogdan Malaescu, Fabio Maltoni, Till Martini, Olivier Mattelaer, Benjamin Nachman, Sebastian Pitz, Juan Rojo, Matthew Schwartz, David Shih, Frank Siegert, Roy Stegeman, Bob Stienen, Jesse Thaler, Rob Verheyen, Daniel Whiteson, Ramon Winterhalder, Jure Zupan

    SciPost Phys. 14, 079 (2023) · published 21 April 2023 | · pdf

    21 citations

  • Alejandra Castro, Victor Godet

    SciPost Phys. 8, 089 (2020) · published 17 June 2020 | · pdf

    21 citations

  • Jay Armas, Akash Jain

    SciPost Phys. 11, 054 (2021) · published 10 September 2021 | · pdf

    21 citations