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  • M. Hori, H. Aghai-Khozani, A. S\'ot\'er, A. Dax, D. Barna

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 5, 026 (2021) · published 6 September 2021 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Timothy Cohen, Daniel Green, Akhil Premkumar

    SciPost Phys. 14, 109 (2023) · published 12 May 2023 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Xuan Li

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 076 (2022) · published 12 July 2022 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Aishik Ghosh, Benjamin Nachman, Tilman Plehn, Lily Shire, Tim M. P. Tait, Daniel Whiteson

    SciPost Phys. Core 6, 045 (2023) · published 20 June 2023 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Alexey Sharapov, Evgeny Skvortsov, Richard van Dongen

    SciPost Phys. 14, 162 (2023) · published 20 June 2023 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Hugues Lattaud on behalf of the EDELWEISS collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 012 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Etienne Granet

    SciPost Phys. 14, 133 (2023) · published 26 May 2023 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Hendrik Hobrecht, Alfred Hucht

    SciPost Phys. 8, 032 (2020) · published 2 March 2020 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Yun-Fei Niu, Shuo Zhang, Chen Ding, Wan-Su Bao, He-Liang Huang

    SciPost Phys. 14, 132 (2023) · published 26 May 2023 | · pdf

    2 citations

  • Luca Ciandrini, Richmond L. Crisostomo, Juraj Szavits-Nossan

    SciPost Phys. Codebases 22 (2023) · published 13 December 2023 | · pdf

    2 citations