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  • Junchen Rong, Slava Rychkov

    SciPost Phys. 16, 040 (2024) · published 1 February 2024 | · pdf

  • Lorenzo Di Pietro, Edoardo Lauria, Pierluigi Niro

    SciPost Phys. 16, 090 (2024) · published 3 April 2024 | · pdf

  • Lukas Bovermann, Evgeny Epelbaum, Hermann Krebs, Dean Lee

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 052 (2020) · published 27 February 2020 | · pdf

  • Dennis Soldin (for the IceCube Collaboration)

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 002 (2023) · published 28 September 2023 | · pdf

  • Giuliano Niccoli, Véronique Terras

    SciPost Phys. 16, 099 (2024) · published 9 April 2024 | · pdf

  • Eric W. Aspling, John A. Marohn, Michael J. Lawler

    SciPost Phys. Core 7, 019 (2024) · published 10 April 2024 | · pdf

  • Alejandro Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Murat Köksal, Ahmet A. Billur, Maria de los Ángeles Hernández-Ruíz

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 1, 044 (2019) · published 22 February 2019 | · pdf

  • Devendra Singh Bhakuni, Talía L. M. Lezama, Yevgeny Bar Lev

    SciPost Phys. Core 7, 023 (2024) · published 26 April 2024 | · pdf

  • Sonal R. Patel for the VERITAS collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 035 (2023) · published 29 September 2023 | · pdf

  • B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, J. Wagner

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 150 (2022) · published 14 July 2022 | · pdf