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Top experts
- Aitken, Mr Kyle
- Altakach, Dr Mohammad Mahdi
- Bernigaud, Mr Jordan
- Brennan, Dr T. Daniel
- Bruggisser, Mr Sebastian
- Dorigoni, Dr Daniele
- Feigel'man, Prof. Mikhail V.
- Ferko, Dr Christian
- Fernández, Dr Víctor E.
- Glass, Dr Philip
- Gomis, Prof. Jaume
- Herrmann, Dr Björn
- Karch, Prof. Andreas
- Komargodski, Prof. Zohar
- Kraml, Dr Sabine
- Kravtsov, Prof. Vladimir
- Lessa, Dr Andre
- Lin, Dr Henry W.
- Maldacena, Prof. Juan
- Narasimha, Ms Sahana
- Naseer, Dr Usman
- Paquette, Prof. Natalie
- Pascal, Mr Timothée
- Reymermier, Dr Théo
- Riva, Dr Francesco
- Robinson, Dr Brandon
- Rozenberg, Dr Liza
- Safonova, Ms Elizaveta
- Seiberg, Prof. Nathan
- Sethi, Prof. Savdeep
- Shan, Dr Jieru
- Urbano, Dr Alfredo
- Waltenberger, Dr Wolfgang
- Williams, Prof. Brian