University of California, Santa Barbara [UCSB]
Parent: University of California SystemParent of: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Name | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Acronym | UCSB |
Country | United States of America |
Address | |
Type | University (and its Library) |
Status | Active |
ROR id (link) | https://ror.org/02t274463 |
Crossref Org ID (link) | No Crossref Org ID found |
Parent | University of California System |
ROR information
ROR ID (link) | https://ror.org/02t274463 |
Primary Name | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Alternative Names |
UC Santa Barbara
Universidad de California en Santa Bárbara Université de Californie à Santa Barbara UCSB |
Country | United States |
Website(s) |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_California,_Santa_Barbara |
Funder Registry instances associated to this Organization:
- University of California, Santa Barbara
Associated Publications :
48 total publications
2 publications
Bayesian RG flow in neural network field theories
by Jessica N. Howard, Marc S. Klinger, Anindita Maiti, Alexander G. Stapleton,
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 027 (2025) -
Evidence of $\phi_0$-Josephson junction from skewed diffraction patterns in Sn-InSb nanowires
by B. Zhang, Z. Li, V. Aguilar, P. Zhang, M. Pendharkar, C. Dempsey, J. S. Lee, S. D. Harrington, S. Tan, J. S. Meyer, M. Houzet, C. J. Palmstrom, S. M. Frolov,
SciPost Phys. 18, 013 (2025)
11 publications
Fractionalization of coset non-invertible symmetry and exotic Hall conductance
by Po-Shen Hsin, Ryohei Kobayashi, Carolyn Zhang,
SciPost Phys. 17, 095 (2024) -
Closed universes in two dimensional gravity
by Mykhaylo Usatyuk, Zi-Yue Wang, Ying Zhao,
SciPost Phys. 17, 051 (2024) -
Measurement-induced phase transition in teleportation and wormholes
by Alexey Milekhin, Fedor K. Popov,
SciPost Phys. 17, 020 (2024) -
Extracting subleading corrections in entanglement entropy at quantum phase transitions
by Menghan Song, Jiarui Zhao, Zi Yang Meng, Cenke Xu, Meng Cheng,
SciPost Phys. 17, 010 (2024) -
Wegner's Ising gauge spins versus Kitaev's Majorana partons: Mapping and application to anisotropic confinement in spin-orbital liquids
by Urban F. P. Seifert, Sergej Moroz,
SciPost Phys. 16, 147 (2024) -
An exact method for bosonizing the Fermi surface in arbitrary dimensions
by Takamori Park, Leon Balents,
SciPost Phys. 16, 069 (2024) -
Tunnelling to holographic traversable wormholes
by Suzanne Bintanja, Ben Freivogel, Andrew Rolph,
SciPost Phys. 16, 066 (2024) -
Solvable models for 2+1D quantum critical points: Loop soups of 1+1D conformal field theories
by Amin Moharramipour, Dan Sehayek, Thomas Scaffidi,
SciPost Phys. 16, 061 (2024) -
Boundary signature of singularity in the presence of a shock wave
by Gary T. Horowitz, Henry Leung, Leonel Queimada, Ying Zhao,
SciPost Phys. 16, 060 (2024) -
Large second-order Josephson effect in planar superconductor-semiconductor junctions
by P. Zhang, A. Zarassi, L. Jarjat, V. Van de Sande, M. Pendharkar, J. S. Lee, C. P. Dempsey, A. P. McFadden, S. D. Harrington, J. T. Dong, H. Wu, A. -H. Chen, M. Hocevar, C. J. Palmstrøm, S. M. Frolov,
SciPost Phys. 16, 030 (2024) -
Probabilistic deconstruction of a theory of gravity, part II: Curved space
by Sunok Josephine Suh,
SciPost Phys. 16, 012 (2024)
8 publications
Coherence requirements for quantum communication from hybrid circuit dynamics
by Shane P. Kelly, Ulrich Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Matthew P. A. Fisher, Jamir Marino,
SciPost Phys. 15, 250 (2023) -
Boundary states of three dimensional topological order and the deconfined quantum critical point
by Wenjie Ji, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Cenke Xu,
SciPost Phys. 15, 231 (2023) -
Probabilistic deconstruction of a theory of gravity, part I: Flat space
by Sunok Josephine Suh,
SciPost Phys. 15, 174 (2023) -
Towards non-invertible anomalies from generalized Ising models
by Shang Liu, Wenjie Ji,
SciPost Phys. 15, 150 (2023) -
Loops in 4+1d topological phases
by Xie Chen, Arpit Dua, Po-Shen Hsin, Chao-Ming Jian, Wilbur Shirley, Cenke Xu,
SciPost Phys. 15, 001 (2023) -
Charge fluctuation entropy of Hawking radiation: A replica-free way to find large entropy
by Alexey Milekhin, Amirhossein Tajdini,
SciPost Phys. 14, 172 (2023) -
Lacing topological orders in two dimensions: Exactly solvable models for Kitaev's sixteen-fold way
by Jin-Tao Jin, Jian-Jian Miao, Yi Zhou,
SciPost Phys. 14, 087 (2023) -
Pivot Hamiltonians as generators of symmetry and entanglement
by Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Ryan Thorngren, Ashvin Vishwanath, Ruben Verresen,
SciPost Phys. 14, 012 (2023)
4 publications
Generalized Symmetries in F-theory and the Topology of Elliptic Fibrations
by Max Hübner, David R. Morrison, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki, Yi-Nan Wang,
SciPost Phys. 13, 030 (2022) -
Time-reversal symmetry breaking and emergence in driven-dissipative Ising models
by Daniel A. Paz, Mohammad F. Maghrebi,
SciPost Phys. 12, 066 (2022) -
Exotic invertible phases with higher-group symmetries
by Po-Shen Hsin, Wenjie Ji, Chao-Ming Jian,
SciPost Phys. 12, 052 (2022) -
Role of Sb in the superconducting kagome metal CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ revealed by its anisotropic compression
by Alexander A. Tsirlin, Pierre Fertey, Brenden R. Ortiz, Berina Klis, Valentino Merkl, Martin Dressel, Stephen D. Wilson, Ece Uykur,
SciPost Phys. 12, 049 (2022)
6 publications
Integrating micromagnets and hybrid nanowires for topological quantum computing
by Malcolm J. A. Jardine, John P. T. Stenger, Yifan Jiang, Eline J. de Jong, Wenbo Wang, Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich, Sergey M. Frolov,
SciPost Phys. 11, 090 (2021) -
Universal features of higher-form symmetries at phase transitions
by Xiao-Chuan Wu, Chao-Ming Jian, Cenke Xu,
SciPost Phys. 11, 033 (2021) -
Visibility of noisy quantum dot-based measurements of Majorana qubits
by Aleksei Khindanov, Dmitry Pikulin, Torsten Karzig,
SciPost Phys. 10, 127 (2021) -
Non-unitary dynamics of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chain
by Chunxiao Liu, Pengfei Zhang, Xiao Chen,
SciPost Phys. 10, 048 (2021) -
Continuous Néel-VBS quantum phase transition in non-local one-dimensional systems with SO(3) symmetry
by Chao-Ming Jian, Yichen Xu, Xiao-Chuan Wu, Cenke Xu,
SciPost Phys. 10, 033 (2021) -
Diving into a holographic superconductor
by Sean A. Hartnoll, Gary T. Horowitz, Jorrit Kruthoff, Jorge E. Santos,
SciPost Phys. 10, 009 (2021)
7 publications
The quantum entropy cone of hypergraphs
by Ning Bao, Newton Cheng, Sergio Hernández-Cuenca, Vincent P. Su,
SciPost Phys. 9, 067 (2020) -
Honeycomb rare-earth magnets with anisotropic exchange interactions
by Zhu-Xi Luo, Gang Chen,
SciPost Phys. Core 3, 004 (2020) -
JT gravity at finite cutoff
by Luca V. Iliesiu, Jorrit Kruthoff, Gustavo J. Turiaci, Herman Verlinde,
SciPost Phys. 9, 023 (2020) -
Reinterpretation of LHC Results for New Physics: Status and recommendations after Run 2
by Waleed Abdallah, Shehu AbdusSalam, Azar Ahmadov, Amine Ahriche, Gaël Alguero, Benjamin C. Allanach, Jack Y. Araz, Alexandre Arbey, Chiara Arina, Peter Athron, Emanuele Bagnaschi, Yang Bai, Michael J. Baker, Csaba Balazs, Daniele Barducci, Philip Bechtle, Aoife Bharucha, Andy Buckley, Jonathan Butterworth, Haiying Cai, Claudio Campagnari, Cari Cesarotti, Marcin Chrzaszcz, Andrea Coccaro, Eric Conte, Jonathan M. Cornell, Louie Dartmoor Corpe, Matthias Danninger, Luc Darmé, Aldo Deandrea, Nishita Desai, Barry Dillon, Caterina Doglioni, Juhi Dutta, John R. Ellis, Sebastian Ellis, Farida Fassi, Matthew Feickert, Nicolas Fernandez, Sylvain Fichet, Jernej F. Kamenik, Thomas Flacke, Benjamin Fuks, Achim Geiser, Marie-Hélène Genest, Akshay Ghalsasi, Tomas Gonzalo, Mark Goodsell, Stefania Gori, Philippe Gras, Admir Greljo, Diego Guadagnoli, Sven Heinemeyer, Lukas A. Heinrich, Jan Heisig, Deog Ki Hong, Tetiana Hryn'ova, Katri Huitu, Philip Ilten, Ahmed Ismail, Adil Jueid, Felix Kahlhoefer, Jan Kalinowski, Deepak Kar, Yevgeny Kats, Charanjit K. Khosa, Valeri Khoze, Tobias Klingl, Pyungwon Ko, Kyoungchul Kong, Wojciech Kotlarski, Michael Krämer, Sabine Kraml, Suchita Kulkarni, Anders Kvellestad, Clemens Lange, Kati Lassila-Perini, Seung J. Lee, Andre Lessa, Zhen Liu, Lara Lloret Iglesias, Jeanette M. Lorenz, Danika MacDonell, Farvah Mahmoudi, Judita Mamuzic, Andrea C. Marini, Pete Markowitz, Pablo Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, David Miller, Vasiliki Mitsou, Stefano Moretti, Marco Nardecchia, Siavash Neshatpour, Dao Thi Nhung, Per Osland, Patrick H. Owen, Orlando Panella, Alexander Pankov, Myeonghun Park, Werner Porod, Darren Price, Harrison Prosper, Are Raklev, Jürgen Reuter, Humberto Reyes-González, Thomas Rizzo, Tania Robens, Juan Rojo, Janusz A. Rosiek, Oleg Ruchayskiy, Veronica Sanz, Kai Schmidt-Hoberg, Pat Scott, Sezen Sekmen, Dipan Sengupta, Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Hua-Sheng Shao, Seodong Shin, Luca Silvestrini, Ritesh Singh, Sukanya Sinha, Jory Sonneveld, Yotam Soreq, Giordon H. Stark, Tim Stefaniak, Jesse Thaler, Riccardo Torre, Emilio Torrente-Lujan, Gokhan Unel, Natascia Vignaroli, Wolfgang Waltenberger, Nicholas Wardle, Graeme Watt, Georg Weiglein, Martin J. White, Sophie L. Williamson, Jonas Wittbrodt, Lei Wu, Stefan Wunsch, Tevong You, Yang Zhang, José Zurita,
SciPost Phys. 9, 022 (2020) -
Subsystem Rényi entropy of thermal ensembles for SYK-like models
by Pengfei Zhang, Chunxiao Liu, Xiao Chen,
SciPost Phys. 8, 094 (2020) -
Optimizing Clifford gate generation for measurement-only topological quantum computation with Majorana zero modes
by Alan Tran, Alex Bocharov, Bela Bauer, Parsa Bonderson,
SciPost Phys. 8, 091 (2020) -
Dimer description of the SU(4) antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice
by Anna Keselman, Lucile Savary, Leon Balents,
SciPost Phys. 8, 076 (2020)
7 publications
Spectral response of Josephson junctions with low-energy quasiparticles
by Anna Keselman, Chaitanya Murthy, Bernard van Heck, Bela Bauer,
SciPost Phys. 7, 050 (2019) -
General continuum model for twisted bilayer graphene and arbitrary smooth deformations
by Leon Balents,
SciPost Phys. 7, 048 (2019) -
Twisted and untwisted negativity spectrum of free fermions
by Hassan Shapourian, Paola Ruggiero, Shinsei Ryu, Pasquale Calabrese,
SciPost Phys. 7, 037 (2019) -
The Machine Learning landscape of top taggers
by Gregor Kasieczka, Tilman Plehn, Anja Butter, Kyle Cranmer, Dipsikha Debnath, Barry M. Dillon, Malcolm Fairbairn, Darius A. Faroughy, Wojtek Fedorko, Christophe Gay, Loukas Gouskos, Jernej F. Kamenik, Patrick T. Komiske, Simon Leiss, Alison Lister, Sebastian Macaluso, Eric M. Metodiev, Liam Moore, Ben Nachman, Karl Nordström, Jannicke Pearkes, Huilin Qu, Yannik Rath, Marcel Rieger, David Shih, Jennifer M. Thompson, Sreedevi Varma,
SciPost Phys. 7, 014 (2019) -
Foliated field theory and string-membrane-net condensation picture of fracton order
by Kevin Slagle, David Aasen, Dominic Williamson,
SciPost Phys. 6, 043 (2019) -
Efficient variational simulation of non-trivial quantum states
by Wen Wei Ho, Timothy H. Hsieh,
SciPost Phys. 6, 029 (2019) -
Survival probability in Generalized Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble
by Giuseppe De Tomasi, Mohsen Amini, Soumya Bera, Ivan M. Khaymovich, Vladimir E. Kravtsov,
SciPost Phys. 6, 014 (2019)
2 publications
Yangian algebra and correlation functions in planar Gauge theories
by Niklas Beisert, Aleksander Garus,
SciPost Phys. 5, 018 (2018) -
Spin Liquid versus Spin Orbit Coupling on the Triangular Lattice
by Jason Iaconis, Chunxiao Liu, Gábor B. Halász, Leon Balents,
SciPost Phys. 4, 003 (2018)
1 publication
Universal front propagation in the quantum Ising chain with domain-wall initial states
by Viktor Eisler, Florian Maislinger, Hans Gerd Evertz,
SciPost Phys. 1, 014 (2016)
Associated Authors
51 authors
- Balents, Prof. Leon
- Beisert, Prof. Niklas
- Bleszynski Jayich, Dr Ania C.
- Campagnari, Prof. Claudio
- Dempsey, Dr Connor P.
- Dong, Dr Jason T.
- Evertz, Prof. Hans Gerd
- Fisher, Prof. Matthew P. A.
- Gouskos, Dr Loukas
- Halasz, Prof. Gabor
- Harrington, Mr Sean David
- Hernandez-Cuenca, Mr Sergio
- Horowitz, Prof. Gary T.
- Hsieh, Dr Timothy H.
- Iaconis, Mr Jason
- Ji, Dr Wenjie
- Kelly, Dr Shane P.
- Khindanov, Mr Aleksei
- Kravtsov, Prof. Vladimir
- Lee, Dr J. S.
- Leung, Dr Henry
- Liu, Dr Chun-Xiao
- Liu, Mr Chunxiao
- Liu, Dr Shang
- Maghrebi, Dr Mohammad
- Marino, Dr Jamir
- McFadden, Dr Anthony
- Milekhin, Dr Alexey
- Morrison, Prof. David R.
- Murthy, Mr Chaitanya
- Ortiz, Dr Brenden R.
- Palmstrøm, Dr C. J.
- Palmstrøm, Prof. Christopher J.
- Park, Mr Takamori
- Paz, Mr Daniel
- Pendharkar, Dr Mihir
- Poschinger, Dr Ulrich
- Qu, Dr Huilin
- Queimada, Mr Leonel
- Sehayek, Dr Dan
- Seifert, Dr Urban F. P.
- Suh, Prof. Sunok Josephine
- Tajdini, Dr Amirhossein
- Tran, Dr Alan
- Turiaci, Prof. Gustavo Joaquin
- Wang, Mr Wenbo
- Wang, Dr Zi-Yue
- Wilson, Prof. Stephen
- Wu, Dr Xiao-Chuan
- Xu, Prof. Cenke
- Xu, Dr Yichen
Associated authors from sub-organizations:
- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics:
Affiliated Fellows
Currently active
2 fellows
- Campagnari, Claudio
- Xu, Cenke
1 fellow
- Craig, Nathaniel
Fellows associated to sub-organizations
Support history
Direct support
Type | Amount | Date |
Sponsorship Agreement | - | 2024-01-01 until 2024-12-31 |
Sponsorship Agreement | - | 2023-01-01 until 2023-12-31 |
Sponsorship Agreement | - | 2022-01-01 until 2022-12-31 |
Total support obtained: | - |
See also the subsidies obtained from these sub-organizations:
See also the subsidies from this parent organization:
Balance of SciPost expenditures versus support received
The following Expenditures (University of California, Santa Barbara) table compiles the expenditures by SciPost to publish all papers which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara , and weighed by this Organization's PubFracs.
Help! What do these terms mean?
Concept | Acronym | Definition |
Associated Publications | An Organization's Associated Publications is the set of papers in which the Organization (or any of its children) is mentioned in author affiliations, or in the acknowledgements as grant-giver or funder. | |
Number of Associated Publications | NAP | Number of Associated Publications, compiled (depending on context) for a given year or over many years, for a specific Journal or for many, etc. |
Publication Fraction | PubFrac | A fraction of a unit representing an Organization's "weight" for a given Publication. The weight is given by the following simple algorithm:
Expenditures | We use the term Expenditures to represent the sum of all outflows of money required by our initiative to achieve a certain output (depending on context). | |
Average Publication Expenditures | APEX | For a given Journal for a given year, the average expenditures per Publication which our initiative has faced. All our APEX are listed on our APEX page. |
Total Associated Expenditures | Total expenditures ascribed to an Organization's Associated Publications (given for one or many years, Journals etc depending on context). | |
PubFrac share | The fraction of expenditures which can be associated to an Organization, based on PubFracs. This is defined as APEX times PubFrac, summed over the set of Publications defined by the context (e.g. all Associated Publications of a given Organization for a given Journal in a given year). | |
Subsidy support | Sum of the values of all Subsidies relevant to a given context (for example: from a given Organization in a given year). | |
Impact on reserves | Difference between incoming and outgoing financial resources for the activities under consideration (again defined depending on context).
Year (click to toggle details) | NAP | Total associated expenditures | PubFrac share |
Subsidy support |
Impact on reserves |
Cumulative | 48 | €28742 | €9621 | €0 | €-9621 | ||||||||||||||||||
Per year: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
2025 (ongoing) | 2 | €1200 | €230 | €0 | €-230 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2025. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2024 | 11 | €8800 | €3668 | €0 | €-3668 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2024. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2023 | 8 | €3960 | €1493 | €0 | €-1493 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2023. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2022 | 4 | €1776 | €591 | €0 | €-591 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2022. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2021 | 6 | €3852 | €1680 | €0 | €-1680 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2021. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2020 | 7 | €4340 | €675 | €0 | €-675 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2020. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2019 | 7 | €3080 | €281 | €0 | €-281 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2019. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2018 | 2 | €1460 | €912 | €0 | €-912 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2018. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.
2017 | 0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | €0 | ||||||||||||||||||
The following table give an overview of expenditures , compiled for all Publications which are associated to University of California, Santa Barbara for 2017. You can see the list of associated publications under the Publications tab.