Destruction of localization by thermal inclusions: Anomalous transport and Griffiths effects in the Anderson and André-Aubry-Harper models
Xhek Turkeshi, Damien Barbier, Leticia F. Cugliandolo, Marco Schirò, Marco Tarzia
SciPost Phys. 12, 189 (2022) · published 9 June 2022
- doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.12.6.189
- Submissions/Reports
We discuss and compare two recently proposed toy models for anomalous transport and Griffiths effects in random systems near the Many-Body Localization transitions: the random dephasing model, which adds thermal inclusions in an Anderson Insulator as local Markovian dephasing channels that heat up the system, and the random Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE) approach which models them in terms of ensembles of random regular graphs. For these two settings we discuss and compare transport and dissipative properties and their statistics. We show that both types of dissipation lead to similar Griffiths-like phenomenology, with the GOE bath being less effective in thermalising the system due to its finite bandwidth. We then extend these models to the case of a quasi-periodic potential as described by the André-Aubry-Harper model coupled to random thermal inclusions, that we show to display, for large strength of the quasiperiodic potential, a similar phenomenology to the one of the purely random case. In particular, we show the emergence of subdiffusive transport and broad statistics of the local density of states, suggestive of Griffiths like effects arising from the interplay between quasiperiodic localization and random coupling to the baths.
Cited by 5
Authors / Affiliations: mappings to Contributors and Organizations
See all Organizations.- 1 Xhek Turkeshi,
- 2 3 Damien Barbier,
- 3 4 Leticia F. Cugliandolo,
- 1 Marco Schirò,
- 3 4 Marco Tarzia
- 1 Collège de France
- 2 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne [EPFL]
- 3 Sorbonne Université / Sorbonne University
- 4 Institut Universitaire de France [IUF]