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Matrix method and the suppression of Runge's phenomenon

Shui-Fa Shen, Wei-Liang Qian, Jie Zhang, Yu Pan, Yu-Peng Yan, Cheng-Gang Shao

SciPost Phys. Core 7, 034 (2024) · published 5 June 2024


Higher-degree polynomial interpolations carried out on uniformly distributed nodes are often plagued by overfitting, known as Runge's phenomenon. This work investigates Runge's phenomenon and its suppression in various versions of the matrix method for black hole quasinormal modes. It is shown that an appropriate choice of boundary conditions gives rise to desirable suppression of oscillations associated with the increasing Lebesgue constant. For the case of discontinuous effective potentials, where the application of the above boundary condition is not feasible, the recently proposed scheme with delimited expansion domain also leads to satisfactory results. The onset of Runge's phenomenon and its effective suppression are demonstrated by evaluating the relevant waveforms. Furthermore, we argue that both scenarios are either closely related to or practical imitations of the Chebyshev grid. The implications of the present study are also addressed.

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