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M5-brane prongs, string soliton bound states and wall-crossing

Varun Gupta, K. Narayan

SciPost Phys. Core 8, 004 (2025) · published 13 January 2025


We study Abelian M5-brane field configurations representing BPS bound states of self-dual string solitons whose locations correspond to the endlines of M2-branes ending on the M5-branes. The BPS equations are obtained from appropriate Bogomolny completion of the effective Abelian low energy functional with two transverse scalars, using two vectors representing the directions along which these endline strings extend. Then we impose boundary conditions on the scalars near the string soliton cores. This leads to a molecule-like equilibrium structure of two non-parallel string solitons at fixed transverse separations, with the M5-brane "prong" deformations comprising two "spikes", each shaped like a ridge. The resulting picture becomes increasingly accurate as one approaches the wall of marginal stability, on which these states decay. There are various parallels with wall-crossing phenomena for string web configurations obtained from D3-brane deformations.

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