SciPost Phys. Core 8, 001 (2025) ·
published 7 January 2025
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We study the spin-1/2 XX chain with a modulated Gamma interaction (GI), which results from the superposition of uniform and staggered Gamma terms. We diagonalize the Hamiltonian of the model exactly using the Fermionization technique. We then probe the energy gap and identify the gapped and gapless regions. We also examine the staggered chiral, staggered nematic and dimer order parameters to determine the different phases of the ground state phase diagram with their respective long-range orders. Our findings indicate that the model undergoes first-order, second-order, gapless-gapless, and gapped-gapped phase transitions.
Chunyu Tan, Yuxiao Hang, Stephan Haas, Hubert Saleur
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 002 (2025) ·
published 8 January 2025
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The problem of a local impurity in a Luttinger liquid, just like the anisotropic Kondo problem (of which it is technically a cousin), describes many different physical systems. As shown by Kane and Fisher, the presence of interactions profoundly modifies the physics familiar from Fermi liquid theory, and leads to non-intuitive features, best described in the Renormalization Group language (RG), such as flows towards healed or split fixed points. While this problem has been studied for many years using more traditional condensed matter approaches, it remains somewhat mysterious from the point of view of entanglement, both for technical and conceptual reasons. We propose and explore in this paper a new way to think of this important aspect. We use the realization of the Kane Fisher universality class provided by an XXZ spin chain with a modified bond strength between two sites, and explore the difference of (Von Neumann) entanglement entropies of a region of length $\ell$ with the rest of the system - to which it is connected with a modified bond - in the cases when $\ell$ is even and odd. Surprisingly, we find out that this difference $\delta S\equiv S^e-S^o$ remains of $O(1)$ in the thermodynamic limit, and gives rise now, depending on the sign of the interactions, to "resonance" curves, interpolating between $-\ln 2$ and $0$, and depending on the product $\ell T_B$, where $1/T_B$ is a characteristic length scale akin to the Kondo length in Kondo problems. $\delta S$ can be interpreted as a measure of the hybridization of the left-over spin in odd length subsystems with the "bath" constituted by the rest of the chain. The problem is studied both numerically using DMRG and analytically near the healed and split fixed points. Interestingly - and in contrast with what happens in other impurity problems - $\delta S$ can, at least to lowest order, be tackled by conformal perturbation theory.
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 003 (2025) ·
published 13 January 2025
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We derive Miura operators for $W$- and $Y$-algebras from first principles as the expectation value of the intersection between a topological line defect and a holomorphic surface defect in 5-dimensional non-commutative $\mathfrak{gl}(1)$ Chern-Simons theory. The expectation value, viewed as the transition amplitude for states in the defect theories forming representations of the affine Yangian of $\mathfrak{gl}(1)$, satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation and is thus interpreted as an R-matrix. To achieve this, we identify the representations associated with the line and surface defects by calculating the operator product expansions (OPEs) of local operators on the defects, as conditions that anomalous Feynman diagrams cancel each other. We then evaluate the expectation value of the defect intersection using Feynman diagrams. When the line and surface defects are specified, we demonstrate that the expectation value precisely matches the Miura operators and their products.
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 004 (2025) ·
published 13 January 2025
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We study Abelian M5-brane field configurations representing BPS bound states of self-dual string solitons whose locations correspond to the endlines of M2-branes ending on the M5-branes. The BPS equations are obtained from appropriate Bogomolny completion of the effective Abelian low energy functional with two transverse scalars, using two vectors representing the directions along which these endline strings extend. Then we impose boundary conditions on the scalars near the string soliton cores. This leads to a molecule-like equilibrium structure of two non-parallel string solitons at fixed transverse separations, with the M5-brane "prong" deformations comprising two "spikes", each shaped like a ridge. The resulting picture becomes increasingly accurate as one approaches the wall of marginal stability, on which these states decay. There are various parallels with wall-crossing phenomena for string web configurations obtained from D3-brane deformations.
SciPost Phys. Core 8, 005 (2025) ·
published 14 January 2025
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We provide a prescription for computing two-point tree-level amplitudes in the pure spinor formalism that provides finite results that agree with the corresponding expression in the field theories. In [J. High Energy Phys. 07, 139 (2019), Phys. Lett. B 800, 135078 (2020)], the same result was discovered in the bosonic strings with indications of generalization to superstrings in the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz formalism. Pure spinor formalism is the unique super-Poincare covariant approach to quantizing superstrings [J. High Energy Phys. 04, 018 (2000)]. Since the pure spinor formalism is equivalent to other superstring formalisms, it verifies the above claim. We introduce a mostly BRST exact operator to achieve this.