Topological insulators
Relations to other Topics
- Topological insulators is an instance of Topological materials
- No symmetric relations have been defined
Higher-order topology protected by latent crystalline symmetries
by Lumen Eek, Malte Röntgen, Anouar Moustaj, Cristiane Morais Smith,
SciPost Phys. 18, 061 (2025) -
Topological linear response of hyperbolic Chern insulators
by Canon Sun, Anffany Chen, Tomáš Bzdušek, Joseph Maciejko,
SciPost Phys. 17, 124 (2024) -
Dissipation-induced topological insulators: A no-go theorem and a recipe
by Moshe Goldstein,
SciPost Phys. 7, 067 (2019) -
Conditions for fully gapped topological superconductivity in topological insulator nanowires
by Fernando de Juan, Jens H. Bardarson, Roni Ilan,
SciPost Phys. 6, 060 (2019) -
On the matter of topological insulators as magnetoelectrics
by N. P. Armitage, Liang Wu,
SciPost Phys. 6, 046 (2019) -
Entanglement and interaction in a topological quantum walk
by Alberto D. Verga, Ricardo Gabriel Elias,
SciPost Phys. 5, 019 (2018) -
Landau levels, response functions and magnetic oscillations from a generalized Onsager relation
by Jean-Noël Fuchs, Frédéric Piéchon, Gilles Montambaux,
SciPost Phys. 4, 024 (2018) -
Robust semi-Dirac points and unconventional topological phase transitions in doped superconducting Sr2IrO4 tunnel coupled to t2g electron systems
by Mats Horsdal, Timo Hyart,
SciPost Phys. 3, 041 (2017) -
Tunable dispersion of the edge states in the integer quantum Hall effect
by Maik Malki, Götz S. Uhrig,
SciPost Phys. 3, 032 (2017) -
Measuring Chern numbers in Hofstadter strips
by Samuel Mugel, Alexandre Dauphin, Pietro Massignan, Leticia Tarruell, Maciej Lewenstein, Carlos Lobo, Alessio Celi,
SciPost Phys. 3, 012 (2017)
Submissions (unpublished only)
Anderson Impurities In Edge States with Nonlinear and Dissipative Perturbations
by Vinayak M Kulkarni , N. S. Vidhyadhiraja
(submitted 2025-02-18 to SciPost Physics) -
Quasiperiodic Quadrupole Insulators
by Raul Liquito, Miguel Gonçalves, Eduardo V. Castro
(submitted 2025-02-07 to SciPost Physics) -
Fermi-liquid corrections to the intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity of topological metals
by Ivan Pasqua, Michele Fabrizio
(submitted 2025-02-06 to SciPost Physics) -
Exactly Solvable Models of Interacting Chiral Bosons and Fermions on a Lattice
by Manuel Valiente
(submitted 2025-01-29 to SciPost Physics) -
Mode-Shell correspondence, a unifying phase space theory in topological physics -- part II: Higher-dimensional spectral invariants
by Lucien Jezequel, Pierre Delplace
(submitted 2025-01-24 to SciPost Physics) -
Scattering theory of higher order topological phases
by R. Johanna Zijderveld, Isidora Araya Day, Anton R. Akhmerov
(submitted 2025-01-17 to SciPost Physics) -
A minimal tensor network beyond free fermions
by Carolin Wille, Maksimilian Usoltcev, Jens Eisert, Alexander Altland
(submitted 2025-01-14 to SciPost Physics) -
The Future of the Correlated Electron Problem
by A. Alexandradinata, N. P. Armitage, Andrey Baydin, Wenli Bi, Yue Cao, Hitesh J. Changlani, Eli Chertkov, Eduardo H. da Silva Neto, Luca Delacretaz, Ismail El Baggari, G. M. Ferguson, William J. Gannon, Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi, Berit H. Goodge, Olga Goulko, G. Grissonnanche, Alannah Hallas, Ian M. Hayes, Yu He, Edwin W. Huang, Anshul Kogar, Divine Kumah, Jong Yeon Lee, A. Legros, Fahad Mahmood, Yulia Maximenko, Nick Pellatz, Hryhoriy Polshyn, Tarapada Sarkar, Allen Scheie, Kyle L. Seyler, Zhenzhong Shi, Brian Skinner, Lucia Steinke, K. Thirunavukkuarasu, Thaís Victa Trevisan, Michael Vogl, Pavel A. Volkov, Yao Wang, Yishu Wang, Di Wei, Kaya Wei, Shuolong Yang, Xian Zhang, Ya-Hui Zhang, Liuyan Zhao, Alfred Zong
(submitted 2025-01-08 to SciPost Physics Community Reports)
Top experts
- Armitage, Prof. N. Peter
- Bardarson, Prof. Jens H
- Bzdusek, Dr Tomas
- Celi, Dr Alessio
- Chen, Ms Anffany
- Dauphin, Dr Alexandre
- Eek, Mr Lumen
- Elias, Dr Ricardo Gabriel
- Fuchs, Dr Jean-Noël
- Goldstein, Prof. Moshe
- Horsdal, Dr Mats
- Hyart, Dr Timo
- Ilan, Dr Roni
- Lewenstein, Prof. Maciej
- Lobo, Dr Carlos
- Maciejko, Prof. Joseph
- Malki, Mr Maik
- Massignan, Dr Pietro
- Montambaux, Prof. Gilles
- Morais Smith, Prof. Cristiane
- Moustaj, Dr Anouar
- Mugel, Mr Samuel
- Piéchon, Dr Frédéric
- Röntgen, Dr Malte
- Sun, Dr Canon
- Tarruell, Prof. Leticia
- Uhrig, Prof. Götz S.
- Verga, Prof. Alberto
- Wu, Dr Liang
- de Juan, Dr Fernando