Conformal bootstrap
Analytic and numerical bootstrap of CFTs with $O(m)\times O(n)$ global symmetry in 3D
by Johan Henriksson, Stefanos R. Kousvos, Andreas Stergiou,
SciPost Phys. 9, 035 (2020) -
Bootstrapping MN and tetragonal CFTs in three dimensions
by Andreas Stergiou,
SciPost Phys. 7, 010 (2019) -
Bootstrapping mixed correlators in three-dimensional cubic theories
by Stefanos R. Kousvos, Andreas Stergiou,
SciPost Phys. 6, 035 (2019) -
Parity and the modular bootstrap
by Tarek Anous, Raghu Mahajan, Edgar Shaghoulian,
SciPost Phys. 5, 022 (2018) -
Entanglement entropies of minimal models from null-vectors
by Thomas Dupic, Benoit Estienne, Yacine Ikhlef,
SciPost Phys. 4, 031 (2018) -
Non-gaussianity of the critical 3d Ising model
by Slava Rychkov, David Simmons-Duffin, Bernardo Zan,
SciPost Phys. 2, 001 (2017) -
A conformal bootstrap approach to critical percolation in two dimensions
by Marco Picco, Sylvain Ribault, Raoul Santachiara,
SciPost Phys. 1, 009 (2016)
Submissions (unpublished only)
Bootstrapping bulk locality. Part II: Interacting functionals
by Nat Levine, Miguel F. Paulos
(submitted 2025-01-17 to SciPost Physics)
Top experts
- Anous, Dr Tarek
- Dupic, Mr Thomas
- Estienne, Dr Benoit
- Henriksson, Dr Johan
- Ikhlef, Dr Yacine
- Kousvos, Mr Stefanos R.
- Mahajan, Dr Raghu
- Picco, Prof. Marco
- Ribault, Dr Sylvain
- Rychkov, Prof. Slava
- Santachiara, Dr Raoul
- Shaghoulian, Dr Edgar
- Simmons-Duffin, Dr David
- Stergiou, Dr Andreas
- Zan, Dr Bernardo