Quantum field theory (QFT)
Single-boson exchange formulation of the Schwinger-Dyson equation and its application to the functional renormalization group
by Miriam Patricolo, Marcel Gievers, Kilian Fraboulet, Aiman Al-Eryani, Sarah Heinzelmann, Pietro M. Bonetti, Alessandro Toschi, Demetrio Vilardi, Sabine Andergassen,
SciPost Phys. 18, 078 (2025) -
Extracting the symmetries of nonequilibrium quantum many-body systems
by Aleksandr N. Mikheev, Viktoria Noel, Ido Siovitz, Helmut Strobel, Markus K. Oberthaler, Jürgen Berges,
SciPost Phys. 18, 044 (2025) -
Quantum information and the C-theorem in de Sitter
by Nicolás Abate, Gonzalo Torroba,
SciPost Phys. 18, 029 (2025) -
Heavy operators and hydrodynamic tails
by Luca V. Delacretaz,
SciPost Phys. 9, 034 (2020) -
Information geometry in quantum field theory: lessons from simple examples
by Johanna Erdmenger, Kevin T. Grosvenor, Ro Jefferson,
SciPost Phys. 8, 073 (2020) -
Anomaly matching in the symmetry broken phase: Domain walls, CPT, and the Smith isomorphism
by Itamar Hason, Zohar Komargodski, Ryan Thorngren,
SciPost Phys. 8, 062 (2020) -
A conjecture on the minimal size of bound states
by Ben Freivogel, Thomas Gasenzer, Arthur Hebecker, Sascha Leonhardt,
SciPost Phys. 8, 058 (2020) -
The Fröhlich-Morchio-Strocchi mechanism and quantum gravity
by Axel Maas,
SciPost Phys. 8, 051 (2020) -
Aspects of high energy scattering
by Chris D. White,
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 13 (2020) -
Lorentz symmetry fractionalization and dualities in (2+1)d
by Po-Shen Hsin, Shu-Heng Shao,
SciPost Phys. 8, 018 (2020) -
Hypercharge quantisation and Fermat's last theorem
by Nakarin Lohitsiri, David Tong,
SciPost Phys. 8, 009 (2020) -
Anomalies in the space of coupling constants and their dynamical applications I
by Clay Córdova, Daniel S. Freed, Ho Tat Lam, Nathan Seiberg,
SciPost Phys. 8, 001 (2020) -
Charged quantum fields in AdS$_2$
by Dionysios Anninos, Diego M. Hofman, Jorrit Kruthoff,
SciPost Phys. 7, 054 (2019) -
A web of 2d dualities: ${\bf Z}_2$ gauge fields and Arf invariants
by Andreas Karch, David Tong, Carl Turner,
SciPost Phys. 7, 007 (2019) -
A Toy Model of the Information Paradox in Empty Space
by Suvrat Raju,
SciPost Phys. 6, 073 (2019) -
Complexity and entanglement for thermofield double states
by Shira Chapman, Jens Eisert, Lucas Hackl, Michal P. Heller, Ro Jefferson, Hugo Marrochio, Robert C. Myers,
SciPost Phys. 6, 034 (2019) -
Comments on abelian Higgs models and persistent order
by Zohar Komargodski, Adar Sharon, Ryan Thorngren, Xinan Zhou,
SciPost Phys. 6, 003 (2019) -
M$_k$ models: the field theory connection
by T. Fokkema, K. Schoutens,
SciPost Phys. 3, 004 (2017)
Submissions (unpublished only)
$2+1$ dimensional Floquet systems and lattice fermions: Exact bulk spectral equivalence
by Thomas Iadecola, Srimoyee Sen, Lars Sivertsen
(submitted 2025-03-05 to SciPost Physics Core) -
Boundary operator expansion and extraordinary phase transition in the tricritical O(N) model
by Xinyu Sun, Shao-Kai Jian
(submitted 2025-02-14 to SciPost Physics) -
Trans-series from condensates
by Marcos Mariño, Ramon Miravitllas
(submitted 2025-01-31 to SciPost Physics) -
Non-Invertible T-duality at Any Radius via Non-Compact SymTFT
by Riccardo Argurio, Andrés Collinucci, Giovanni Galati, Ondrej Hulik, Elise Paznokas
(submitted 2025-01-29 to SciPost Physics) -
Gapped Phases in (2+1)d with Non-Invertible Symmetries: Part I
by Lakshya Bhardwaj, Daniel Pajer, Sakura Schäfer-Nameki, Apoorv Tiwari, Alison Warman, Jingxiang Wu
(submitted 2025-01-20 to SciPost Physics) -
Flat Bands and Compact Localised States: A Carrollian roadmap
by Nisa Ara, Aritra Banerjee, Rudranil Basu, Bhagya Krishnan
(submitted 2025-01-14 to SciPost Physics) -
Efficient on-shell matching
by Mikael Chala, Javier L. Miras, José Santiago, Fuensanta Vilches
(submitted 2025-01-14 to SciPost Physics) -
Locality and Conserved Charges in $T\overline{T}$-Deformed CFTs
by Ruben Monten, Richard M. Myers, Konstantinos Roumpedakis
(submitted 2025-01-09 to SciPost Physics) -
Lightcone Hamiltonian for Ising Field Theory I: T < T_c
by Andrew Liam Fitzpatrick, Emanuel Katz, Yuan Xin
(submitted 2024-12-20 to SciPost Physics) -
The random free field scalar theory
by Alessandro Piazza, Marco Serone, Emilio Trevisani
(submitted 2024-12-06 to SciPost Physics) -
Mapping 1+1-dimensional black hole thermodynamics to finite volume effects
by Jean Alexandre, Drew Backhouse, Eleni-Alexandra Kontou, Diego Pardo Santos, and Silvia Pla
(submitted 2024-11-07 to SciPost Physics) -
The fermionic double smeared null energy condition
by Duarte dos Reis Fragoso, Lihan Guo
(submitted 2024-11-07 to SciPost Physics Core)
Top experts
- Abate, Mr Nicolás
- Al-Eryani, Mr Aiman
- Andergassen, Prof. Sabine
- Anninos, Prof. Dionysios
- Berges, Prof. Jürgen
- Bonetti, Mr Pietro
- Chapman, Dr Shira
- Córdova, Dr Clay
- Delacrétaz, Dr Luca V.
- Eisert, Prof. Jens
- Erdmenger, Prof. Johanna
- Fokkema, Dr Thessa
- Fraboulet, Dr Kilian
- Freed, Prof. Daniel
- Freivogel, Dr Ben
- Gasenzer, Prof. Thomas
- Gievers, Mr Marcel
- Grosvenor, Dr Kevin
- Hackl, Dr Lucas
- Hason, Dr Itamar
- Hebecker, Prof. Arthur
- Heinzelmann, Dr Sarah
- Heller, Prof. Michal P.
- Hofman, Prof. Diego M.
- Hsin, Dr Po-Shen
- Jefferson, Dr Ro
- Karch, Prof. Andreas
- Komargodski, Prof. Zohar
- Kruthoff, Mr Jorrit
- Lam, Dr Ho Tat
- Leonhardt, Dr Sascha
- Lohitsiri, Dr Nakarin
- Maas, Prof. Axel
- Marrochio, Mr Hugo
- Mikheev, Dr Aleksandr
- Myers, Prof. Robert
- Noel, Ms Viktoria
- Oberthaler, Prof. Markus
- Patricolo, Ms Miriam
- Raju, Prof. Suvrat
- Schoutens, Prof. Kareljan
- Seiberg, Prof. Nathan
- Shao, Dr Shu-Heng
- Sharon, Mr Adar
- Siovitz, Dr Ido
- Strobel, Dr Helmut
- Thorngren, Mr Ryan
- Tong, Prof. David
- Torroba, Prof. Gonzalo
- Toschi, Prof. Alessandro
- Turner, Dr Carl
- Vilardi, Dr Demetrio
- White, Dr Chris
- Zhou, Dr Xinan