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  • Archisman Panigrahi, Subroto Mukerjee

    SciPost Phys. Core 6, 052 (2023) · published 31 July 2023 | · pdf

  • Michele Lupattelli

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 7, 006 (2022) · published 20 June 2022 | · pdf

  • Jackson R. Fliss

    SciPost Phys. 11, 052 (2021) · published 9 September 2021 | · pdf

  • Tameem Albash, Conor Smith, Quinn Campbell, Andrew D. Baczewski

    SciPost Phys. 14, 121 (2023) · published 19 May 2023 | · pdf

  • Raphaël Belliard, Bertrand Eynard, Sylvain Ribault

    SciPost Phys. 5, 051 (2018) · published 23 November 2018 | · pdf

  • Tolga Altinoluk, Marta Luszczak, Daniel Tapia Takaki

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 110 (2022) · published 13 July 2022 | · pdf

  • Annarita Margiotta on behalf of the KM3NeT Collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 030 (2023) · published 29 September 2023 | · pdf

  • Donghwa Kang, J. C. Arteaga-Velázquez, M. Bertaina, A. Chiavassa, K. Daumiller, V. de Souza, R. Engel, A. Gherghel-Lascu, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, J. R. Hörandel, T. Huege, K. -H. Kampert, K. Link, H. J. Mathes, S. Ostapchenko, T. Pierog, D. Rivera-Rangel, M. Roth, H. Schieler, F. G. Schröder, O. Sima, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 13, 036 (2023) · published 29 September 2023 | · pdf

  • J. Sánchez-Baena, L. A. Peña Ardila, G. Astrakharchik, F. Mazzanti

    SciPost Phys. 13, 031 (2022) · published 25 August 2022 | · pdf

  • Pascal Naidon

    SciPost Phys. 15, 123 (2023) · published 29 September 2023 | · pdf